mardi 30 août 2016

World of Warcraft: Legion Max Level Already Reached

That didn't take long.

It only took someone five and a half hours to reach level 110, the maximum level in the new World of Warcraft expansion, Legion.

According to Eurogamer, the dedicated player is a Twitch streamer called Fragnance. He claims to have reached level 110 in five hours and 28 minutes on his Demon Hunter, Sicklikeme.

So, if you were hoping to be the first one to World of Warcraft's maximum level, it looks like you'll have to wait until the next expansion.

Fragnance leveled up in a group with another player named Gingi, and the pair have been preparing quest routes for weeks in the Legion beta.

Legion launched last night, and Blizzard says this new expansion will be "dungeon-centric."

Matt Porter is a freelance writer based in London. Make sure to visit what he thinks is the best website in the world, but is actually just his Twitter page.

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