Welcome to IGN's multiplayer tips for Titanfall 2! Many of the multiplayer tips that we could give here have already been given in the Multiplayer Beta Tips page on the wiki! For tips on how to counter Titans, click here! For tips on how to play in the new Colosseum Mode, click here!
While the game is not in beta anymore, most if not all of the tips on that page still apply to the game, so be sure to check it out alongside this page! On this page, you'll find up to date tips on how to succeed in the online multiplayer modes.
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One of the main appeal of Titanfall is the ability to ride and fight in your own Titan, a huge mech that gives you a big boost on the battlefield. However, this does not mean you're the only one with a Titan out there, and you could very well lose a brawl against one or more Titans on the opposing team. In such a case, you'll most likely have your Titan destroyed, and you along with it.
However, the game will tell you when the Titan is at critical damage and will be destroyed relatively soon. When this happens, you can actually eject out of the Titan and be launched way up into the air, out of harm's way (that is, unless somoene notices you and shoots you down). It's much better than staying inside an exploding Titan, though, and can easily save your life!
One of the main Titan Counters in the game is to get on top of a Titan and take out batteries or throw a grenade into the massive machine. However, players who are inside of a Titan will be notified whenever you do so and will use electric smoke to try and throw you off, which is where a large puff of smoke rolls over their Titan and everything around them is damaged over a short period of time.
If you stay within this cloud, you will most likely die, however what most people don't know is that you can jump off of a Titan and get out of harm's way in case they use their electric smoke on you! This way, you not only make them use up their electric smoke (which could be used against one of your Titans) and they won't be able to easily shoot you back since the smoke would cover you up. So next time you get onto a Titan, watch out for damage over time along with smoke coming onto the screen so that you can jump off when you do!
There are 6 Titans in the final release of Titanfall 2: Ion, Scorch, Ronin, Northstar, Legion, and Tone. However, when you first start playing the game, only Ion, Scorch, and Northstar will be unlocked. This means that you'll either have to play many games and level up to get Ronin, Legion, and Tone, OR you can instead purchase them using the in-game currency.
It's highly recommended that you buy the Titans before buying any weapon modifications or Boosts or Titan upgrades, as the Titans themselves are a measly 25 credits each compared to items like Boosts which are 125 credits each. This means you'll be able to easily buy the Titans and try out all of them to find the one you like the most and stick with it!
Until you can earn enough credits to play with all of the Titans, you'll have to settle for one of the base three: Ion, Scorch, or Northstar. The one we recommend you use until you get the rest is Ion, as he is very simple to use and is well-rounded. However, if you want to try the other two then by all means, as you might find their playstyle to be more enjoyable. Scorch is a tanky control class who can still hit hard, while Northstar excells at long distance shooting with her sniper rifle. In the end, however, Ion is a great Titan that doesn't require any specialization and so should be the best for those new to Titanfall.
When you first start the game, you have three classes available to you: Tactical, Pulse-Blade, and Grapple. Tactical is very good for simply moving around the map, as the cloak is quite good at making you undetectable even from up-close. Pulse-Blade is great too because just using it anywhere will help out your team by seeing any enemies near where you throw it, so even if you can't use it to its full extent it's possible someone on your team could as well. Grapple is the most fun but it's also the most difficult to use as it is hard to aim and not easy to get used to. It's recommended that you use Tactical or Pulse-Blade as your first classes and then wait to use Grapple until you get the hang of the movement system later on.
You can also choose what kind of grenade you want. You start off with three: the standard Frag grenade, an Arc Grenade (basically a stun grenade for pilots and an EMP for Titans), and a Firestar which acts like a throwing star that sets stuff on fire. The Firestar might be a little too difficult to use for newer players, so choose the Frag grenade if you prefer to blow things up or the Arc Grenade if you like more utility.
Another aspect of your character that you have the option of choosing are the Kits. You get two Kits in total to choose from, four in each Kit type. The first Kit has the Power Cell and Fast Regen available to you at the beginning of the game. Power Cell is good for being aggressive while Fast Regen is more of a defensive kit, so it all depends on your playstyle. In the second Kit slot, you have the Kill Report and Wallhang kits. It's recommended to use Wallhang and get used to using it because it's one of the better kits in there, as Kill Report is essentially useless, but if you dislike the mechanics of Wallhang you can switch it off by using Kill Report.
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