lundi 31 octobre 2016

COD: Infinite Warfare Changes Outlined After Two Betas

Quick scoping just got a little bit harder.

Developer Infinity Ward will make changes to Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare thanks to feedback and testing from the game's two betas.

Some of these changes include weapon balancing, perk fixes, matchmaking adjustments, and more, according to a post on the game's subreddit.

Matchmaking fixes have been implemented to shorten matching times. Some of these changes include player evaluation being relaxed and a fix to geographic categorization.

In terms of balancing, shotguns will be getting increases in consistency of damage and longer range damage, as well as a slightly increased one-shot kill range. For the sniper class, players will now flinch more when getting shot, aim assist won't kick in "until the optic fully reaches the player’s eye," and the bonus of the Quickdraw attachment has been reduced.

A few general adjustments include health regeneration time being reduced, a refinement of spawn times, and increased salvage gain in mission teams.

For a full list of changes and fixes, including other tweaks to weapons and scorestreaks, be sure to check out the full Reddit thread.

Looking forward to the first-person shooter? Here's everything you need to know about Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare before it launches on November 4 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Michael Passalacqua is a freelance writer for IGN. Chat with him on Twitter about the New York Giants’ unsurprising mediocrity.

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