vendredi 21 avril 2017

The Lost City of Z Review


A meditative and engrossing story about the strength of the human spirit.

Some historical spoilers about this fact-based film follow.

In 1925, renowned explorer and accomplished military man, Percy Fawcett, went missing during an exploration into the depths of the Amazon forests. Fawcett was never seen or officially heard from again, leaving many to wonder if the goal of his expedition - to find a historic, ancient city he referred to as “Z” - was successful or not. It’s the kind of true life story that just doesn’t feel real, and speaks perfectly to just how far someone is willing to go to follow their dreams.

Fawcett is the subject and main character of writer-director James Gray’s The Lost City of Z. The film - based on the book of the same name by David Grann - stars Charlie Hunnam as Fawcett, and follows Percy through his early career in the army, to his various expeditions into the Amazon, his time serving and commanding in the British military during World War I, and his final expedition into the dangerous jungles of South America, which may or may not have cost him his life.

If that sounds like a lot for one film to cover, it definitely is, and yet Gray somehow manages to make it all feel worthwhile, never rushing over or spending too much time on these various events. Approaching the material with his signature old fashioned style, Gray makes every moment of The Lost City of Z - most of which are quiet and intimate conversations between characters - feel as important as the last. Running at a lengthy 144 minutes, it’s paced with the kind of patience that filmgoers can usually only expect from the true masters of the form, which Gray has almost certainly solidified himself as at this point.

In addition to Hunnam, the film stars Sienna Miller as Fawcett’s wife Nina, an independent and supportive woman far ahead of her time. In what might be her best performance to date, Miller makes Nina feel like the perfect companion for Percy, never ridiculing him or questioning his desires, while never hesitating to remind him when they may be clouding his judgement either. “A man’s reach should always exceed his grasp,” she says at one point in the film when speaking of Percy’s endeavors, only to remind us that most successful men are usually only able to stretch themselves so far with the help of an equally accomplished woman standing next to them.

Robert Pattinson makes an impact throughout the film as Henry Costin, Fawcett’s travel companion on his first journey who develops a friendship with Percy that lasts throughout the rest of their lives. Pattinson has been working consistently to prove his talents in the indie world for years now, since even before his time in the Twilight franchise ended, and his work here only further accentuates that point (just in case his work with filmmakers like David Cronenberg and David Michod hadn’t already demonstrated his skills at inhabiting unique, eclectic roles).

In spite of both Miller and Pattinson’s performances, though, the stars of the film are Hunnam and Gray, which may come as a shock to some of the former’s more fervent naysayers. Understandably so too, since Hunnam’s post-Sons of Anarchy work has left much to be desired at times, but Gray manages to bring out the same depth and calming, steady seriousness that few other filmmakers have been able to from the actor. There’s no question that Percy Fawcett is Hunnam’s most impressive and satisfying performance of his career so far. Combining all of his best traits into one role, Gray has given Hunnam the chance to prove his worth outside of longform storytelling.

Still, even with the help of his impressive cast, it cannot be overstated how difficult of a task Gray had on his hands with The Lost City of Z - in order to make it feel as real and authentic to its early 20th century time period as possible. Luckily, with the help of his set and costume designers, and the stunning work of cinematographer Darius Khondji, Gray fills the film with a constant deluge of stunning images and period recreations. Like some of his previous efforts -- specifically 2013’s The Immigrant -- Gray brings a palpable, rich quality to the look of The Lost City of Z that transports you to the time and setting of the film with very little resistance. Everything feels real, especially the Amazonian environments, as if you could reach out your hand and feel the trees around Hunnam and his companions.

Nonetheless, fans of Gray’s work will likely agree that, despite all of its achievements, The Lost City of Z isn’t quite as masterful as some of his previous outings. Sometimes the motivations of the tertiary characters can feel inorganic and manufactured at times, and the pace in the middle of the film -- when Hunnam’s Fawcett spends the least amount of time in the jungle -- does noticeably slow down and slightly drag. But these are mostly nitpicks, and don’t take away from the overall experience of Lost City of Z.

Gray imbues the film with a dreamlike quality that is as unexpected as it is beneficial to the film. He makes the transitions between the periods in Fawcett’s life glide smoothly in between each other; when he chooses to cut away from the present scene at hand, he does it only when it is most effective. Like when Fawcett is almost killed on one of his expeditions, and is reminded of the family he’s left at home in England. However, perhaps the greatest accomplishment of The Lost City of Z is how it manages to feel appropriately massive, and yet simultaneously small and intimate, which should speak to the talents of Gray as a filmmaker more than anything else.

The Verdict

The Lost City of Z marks yet another impressive addition to director James Gray’s growing filmography. Featuring a career-best lead performance from Charlie Hunnam and some truly awe-inspiring visuals, it’s yet another one of this year’s can’t-miss films.

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