samedi 22 avril 2017

Persona 5: Mementos and Requests Guide

The following is IGN's guide to Mementos and Requests that can be done inside of it in Persona 5.

Requests are usually obtained through the Phansite and sent to you by Mishima. These requests have you go into Mementos and track down lesser Shadows who are causing problems for people without being so distorted that they create Palaces.

Some requests are also obtained through Confidants and they will be listed separately.

To start, requests have you go into Mementos. Mementos is made up of eight different areas and each area opens up to you after you beat a Palace.

Path of ... # Areas Rest Floor(s)
Qimranut (Q) 2 none
Aiyatsubus (Ai) 7 4
Chemdah (C) 8 5
Kaitul (K) 10 6
Akzeriyyuth (Ak) 12 4 & 8
Adyeshach (Ad) 13 5 & 9
Sheriruth (S) 14 6 & 10
Iweleth (I) 1 none

The letters in parentheses beside the path names are what we will use to indicate request locations below. For example, the first request in the list below is on the Path of Qimranut: Area 1, but we've shortened that to Q:1.

What comes below the final floor of Mementos can be discovered through the story.

Requests have a strange quirk to them, though. The Shadow you face during them does not have the same weaknesses (if any) as the Shadow it looks like. For example, if you fight a Shadow that looks like Jack Frost, which should have a weakness to Fire and a resistance to Ice, it probably won't have those. The Shadow's appearance is purely an aesthetic choice.

The following are regular requests that you'll get throughout the game:

*Requires Moon rank 4 and text from Mishima to begin the investigation.

The following are requests tied to Confidants:

Request Source Difficulty Area
The Money-grubbing Uncle Hierophant B Auto
Daughter's Just a Meal Ticket Hermit A Ad:3
Ending the Boyfriend's Abuse Fortune C C:3
Debunking the Psychic Fortune C K:3
Shady Deal in the Shadows Hanged C K:4
Bad Medicine Death C C:2
A Teacher Maid to Suffer Temperance C C:9
Fighting for Truth in Journalism Devil C K:9
A Mother's Aggression Tower A Ad:11
Upstaging the Stage Mother Star B Ak:6

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