jeudi 20 avril 2017

Powerless: "Emergency Punch-Up" Review


Worst. Retreat. Ever.

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Powerless has had its ups and downs so far this season, but at this point it seems safe to say the show has found its groove. The show still isn't terribly consistent about making use of the the DC Universe setting, but it has managed to achieve a much stronger balance in terms of showcasing the full cast and giving the actors decent material to work with. In that sense, "Emergency Punch-Up" might be the most well-rounded episode yet.

"Emergency Punch-Up" more or less fits the description of a bottle episode. It trimmed the cast down to the core essentials and kept them confined in one spot for the entire half hour. I don't know that the distinction matters much given how rarely the show ventures outside the confines of the Wayne Security offices. Still, the idea that the gang were holed up and cut off from their long-awaited corporate retreat by a supervillain attack was a solid one. It was also fun to see Dr. Psycho worked into the plot as a sort of parody of Netflix's Making a Murderer. Though, as usual, Psycho was more unseen plot device than actual character.

The premise worked because it basically crammed all the characters into a room and let viewers watch as the tension slowly boiled over. The constant clashing of personalities led to some memorable humor. Jennie Pierson's Wendy was easily the highlight of the week, whether she was hitting on a thoroughly disinterested Van or regaling the team with an overly detailed account of how she'd survive being stranded on a desert island. If these last two episodes have proven anything, it's than Wendy needs to be in the spotlight more often.

Everyone's getting their corporate retreat on.

Everyone's getting their corporate retreat on.

It was also a lot of fun seeing a different side of Emily. She's such a perpetually sunny and cheerful character that it's nice to be reminded she has a dark side. Vanessa Hudgens really nailed Emily's transformation as she was exposed to Psycho's gas and her cheerful exterior melted away. But Emily's meltdown wasn't just played for laughs. It also forced her team to come together and acknowledge how much effort she puts into keeping the office functioning smoothly. This conflict wound up serving as a strong testament to the selfless workhorse that is Emily Locke.

This episode dealt a lot with the notion of the Wayne Security team being a dysfunctional family. I don't know that I would have described them as such before these last couple episodes, but between "Green Furious" and "Emergency Punch-Up," there is a sense that these characters have grown closer and actually care for one another. Even Van got the chance to show a little love for his minions, regardless of whether he actually concocted his rousing speech himself. This is all good. The more the show emphasizes that family dynamic, the easier it is to care about these goofy misfits and start connecting with Powerless on a deeper level. The show still has a ways to go in that regard, but this episode certainly helped.

It was also a treat seeing the team bust out the karaoke near the end. Clearly, Hudgens is a cut above the rest of the cast when it comes to singing talent, but I certainly wouldn't mind seeing Powerless borrow a page from the Flash playbook and offer a musical episode. The benefit of this silly, lighthearted DC Universe is that you don't have to work very hard to justify something like that.

The Verdict

Powerless seems to have settled into a solid groove these past few weeks. The show still isn't great about making use of the DC setting, but it's making great strides when it comes to utilizing the various cast members and building stronger bonds between these characters. "Emergency Punch-Up" marks the first time where Emily and the gang felt like more than mere co-workers.

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