The X-Men movies don't always have a great track record when it comes to adapting classic comic book storylines. On one hand, you have gems like X-Men: Days of Future Past. On the other, you have X-Men: The Last Stand, which completely butchered the beloved source material from "The Dark Phoenix Saga."
Luckily, the X-Men movie-verse has just been given a mulligan. 2018's Dark Phoenix movie will mark Fox's second attempt at adapting Chris Claremont and John Byrne's epic saga of love, loss and cosmic genocide. And if it follows these guidelines, it might just manage to succeed where The Last Stand utterly failed.
The Last Stand has many problems as a film, but perhaps the most fundamental is the fact that it seemed so disinterested in exploring Jean Grey herself. The film offered little sense of the inner turmoil plaguing Jean's mind as she fought to maintain control over an all-powerful force of darkness. Did she feel shame over murdering her longtime boyfriend or the mentor who devoted decades to raising her and nurturing her gifts? Who knows? But here's a British guy in a rubber muscle suit!
Jean was less a character than a plot device in The Last Stand, little more than a volatile weapon Magneto used to further his own ends. That definitely needs to change this time around. The filmmakers need to keep the focus on Jean herself and the terrible struggle she undergoes as she tries to control the unimaginable power of the Phoenix. That includes delving more deeply into Jean's background and troubled childhood. "The Dark Phoenix Saga" is the defining tragedy of the X-Men mythos, and there's no way to truly convey that tragedy without doing right by the story's central character.
Fox made another crucial mistake with The Last Stand by not making the Dark Phoenix storyline the one, overarching conflict of the film. Instead, The Last Stand crammed the Phoenix in alongside a loose adaptation of "The Cure" from Joss Whedon and John Cassaday's Astonishing X-Men. All that, plus the film attempted to introduce the Juggernaut and various other X-Men mainstays into an already crowded mix.
Needless to say, the end result of this scatterbrained approach was that none of these storylines were given enough room to breathe. The film failed to capture the scope and emotional impact of "The Dark Phoenix Saga." It did no justice to "The Cure," either. Nor did it acknowledge the complicated family history between Professor X and his half-brother, history which is critical to Juggernaut's appeal as a villain. Movies like The Last Stand and Spider-Man 3 prove that it's better to tell one story well than try to cram too much into one film.
In the comics, the Phoenix Force is a cosmic entity of destruction and rebirth. It existed long before Jean Grey, and it continued to find new hosts long after Jean sacrificed herself. There's an entire mythology to the Phoenix that The Last Stand completely ignored. The film instead treated the Phoenix as nothing more than the dark, repressed side of Jean Grey's psyche finally bursting forth to the surface.
We'd really like to see the new movie stick closer to the source material. Show us the Phoenix as a cosmic force that makes entire civilizations tremble. Show us why the Phoenix chose the powerful and unstable Jean Grey as its host. X-Men: Apocalypse struggled to do right by its titular villain. We don't want to see Dark Phoenix make the same mistake. It's high time the X-Men movies established some compelling villains not named "Magneto."
This is also crucial in terms of establishing the Phoenix as a recurring element in the X-Men movies independent of Jean herself. Dark Phoenix could also set the stage for the debut of Rachel Grey and some of the more complicated but compelling branches of the Grey/Summers family tree.
On that note, Dark Phoenix is poised to finally right one of the biggest wrongs in X-Men movie history. It's been over 10 years now, and we're still sore over the way Cyclops was quickly and unceremoniously killed off in the early moments of The Last Stand. Cyclops has never received his due in these movies. X-Men: Apocalypse was a step in the right direction, but Dark Phoenix offers the chance to finally give Cyclops his moment in the spotlight.
The Cyclops/Jean Grey dynamic is critical to any good Dark Phoenix adaptation. This is a conflict that forces Scott Summers to choose between the fate of the galaxy and the life of the woman he loves. The fact that The Last Stand put that choice in the hands of Wolverine rather than Cyclops was simply inexcusable.
Luckily, it appears that Fox will be charting a less Wolverine-centric course for the X-Men movies in the aftermath of Logan. They don't seem in any great hurry to find a replacement for Hugh Jackman, and Dark Phoenix could well end up being the first ensemble X-Men film not to include Wolverine at all. That leaves room for Cyclops to step up and play the critical role he was denied in The Last Stand.
"The Dark Phoenix Saga" is one of many cases where writer Chris Claremont whisked the merry mutants away from Earth and into the larger cosmic landscape of the Marvel Universe. During the course of the original comic book storyline, readers see Dark Phoenix annihilate an entire alien race and the X-Men battle the Shi'ar Imperial Guard on the Moon for the fate of Jean Grey. It has a scope that is still rarely matched in the X-Men comics.
The Last Stand kept the conflict firmly grounded on earth and divorced from any of the cosmic elements like the Shi'ar. We hope this new movie won't make the same mistake. Maybe Fox is cut off from giant portions of Marvel's cosmic library of characters, but we'll be happy so long as the film introduces the Starjammers and the Shi'ar Empire. We'd love to see Cyclops reconnect with his space pirate father and Xavier strike up a romance with Empress Lilandra.
Even if Dark Phoenix only touches on these elements, it could at least set the stage for more cosmic-flavored X-Men movies down the road. Marvel Studios shouldn't be the only one blending superheroes and space fantasy.
Jesse is a mild-mannered writer for IGN. Allow him to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket by following @jschedeen on Twitter, or Kicksplode on MyIGN.
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