lundi 5 décembre 2016

Final Fantasy XV: Using Elemancy to Power Up Your Spells

Elemancy is a crafting ability you have in Final Fantasy XV. It allows you to create spells, both new and old, that you can use and equip to your team for combat. Mixing different elements will allow you to create different spells.

To craft spells, you need both elemental energy that you can find in the game world and magic flasks. Flasks can be reused and allow you to mix different elements and crafting materials together to create powerful spells.

For certain spells, you need to have a balance of two or more of the elements. Otherwise, you'll want to have a majority (51% or more) of whatever element you're trying to create. For example, if you wanted Fira (which requires a potency of 100-199) but only had 80 Fire, you could use up to 79 Ice or Lightning element points without it changing to something else (not 79 of both), though you'd only need 20 to get the base Fira.

100 Fire = Fira (Potency 100)

80 Fire + 10 Lightning + 20 Ice = Fira (Potency 110)

Once you go over 50% of one type of element, the spell's element will change. Additionally, it takes two of a different element to go up one potency point for mixed spells. If you had 99 Ice, you'd need 2 Fire, 2 Lightning, or one of each to get a Blizzara.

Having 99 Lightning + 98 Ice would give you Thundara (158). However, if you add 2 Fire, there would be fewer Lightning than the other elements, so the spell would change to Unicast II.

Beyond that, you can morph your elemental spells with items when you're creating them. Using a potion would turn your spell into a Healcast with a given or random element, depending on the mix. Blow is a continued guide to the breakdowns of the spells. You'll find that certain ingredients boost your potency without changing the spell, so look for those when needed.

Each spell has three levels, typically indicated by "II" and "III" for the second and third level. The base spells do not use this numbering. Additionally, spells that have a bonus effect from an item you mixed them with, such as Healcast, will have a level for their bonus effect that can go up to 99. Add more of the item (or a better version) to get up to 99, but know that you can't go over it!

Required: Majority of the Fire element.

These spells are entirely fire-based and create and explosive firestorm fo varying levels that will burn anyone who ends up in it.

Required: Majority of the Ice element.

These spells are entirely ice-based and create an ice field that will slow and freeze anyone who gets into it.

Required: Majority of the Lightning element.

These spells are entirely lightning-based and created a lightning storm that will zap anyone who gets in the way.

Combining items and components can modiffy the effects of your spells in exciting ways. 

Required: No majority element or equal balance

These spells randomly use the element of the corresponding level. So if it used the fire element, it would Fire at the first level, Fira at the second, and Firaga at the third.

To make a Unicast, you need to have it so that no spell is over 50% of the total elemental pool.

Dualcast: Remedy or Sheep Milk + element

Tricast Required: Phoenix Down, Elixir, Hi-Elixir, or Sweet Pepper + element

Quadcast: Mega Phoenix + element

Quintcast Required: Megalixir + element

Depending on what you use to mix, these -casts can either be set or random. A set dualcast would look something like, "Dualcast: Fira-Blizzara" and that would make it so you use Fira and then either Fira or Blizzara at random after the first spell.

If it's random, however, it'll cast a random element up to two times for Dualcast and all the way up to five times for Quintcast! A good way to get Quadcast would be to use a Mega Phoenix and a good way to get a Quintcast would be to use a Megalixir.

Required: Antidote or Funguar + element

Venomcasts takes an elemental attack and poisons it so that enemies who get hit get the poisoned status ailment and progressively lose health. You can use something like Antidote to create a Venomcast.

Required: Leiden Pepper + element

Cursecast does elemental damage and also lowers your enemy's attack! Certain ingredients allow you to create Curecasts!

Required: Iron Shavings + element

Failcast is a major risk. It has the chance of misfiring and doing absolutely nothing, but on its own it has a boosted potency for major elemental damage. Certain useless treasures allow you to create Cursecasts.

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