jeudi 29 décembre 2016

43 Big Games Coming in 2017

There's something for everyone next year!

With another excellent year of gaming in the books, it's time to look forward to what's in store for us next year. Everything from long-awaited sequels to fresh takes on familiar genres, there are a ton of interesting games headed our way. Here are 43 big games coming in 2017.

Agents of Mayhem

Agents of Mayhem was the featured game for our June IGN First, and we got some fairly extensive hands-on time with it. Though it technically exists in the same storytelling universe as Volition’s Saints Row series, it’s a new IP that plays quite differently from its sister series, or from any sandbox action game really. You choose three squad members from a larger pool of diverse heroes, all of whom have customizable passive and active abilities, and by swapping between them on the fly, you can put together some impressive pyrotechnic displays. The core combat is already a good time, and if the open world elements wind up matching it, Agents of Mayhem could be the sandbox action game to beat in 2017. -- Vince Ingenito, Editor

Crackdown 3

Even Microsoft has acknowledged that Crackdown 2 was a misstep, but Crackdown 3 represents a clear attempt to recapture and build upon what made the original open-world super-Agent game great. And that, of course, means orb collecting. So, so many orbs. Orbs that make you faster, stronger, and give you the ability to jump higher. Cooperative play looks to be an even bigger focus this time around, and the signature new elements is cloud-powered destruction. You'll be able to level the entire city thanks to cloud-connected Xbox consoles that can handle the processing load that would normally cripple a single machine. We expect Crackdown 3 to be heavily pushed as a Scorpio-enhanced title. It just makes too much sense. -- Ryan McCaffrey, Executive Editor

While it's certainly a subjective interpretation, Cuphead could end up being remembered as one of the most gorgeous video games ever made. The question is, will the gameplay be able to back it up. We've played it countless times at numerous trade shows and conventions, and it certainly passes the Quick Impressions test. The new year will finally tell us if the boss-rush gameplay – now complemented by a number of traditional platforming stages – holds up to extended play sessions. Cuphead has already tested our will with its extremely challenging difficulty level, and hopefully it will soon stop testing our patience and finally get a solid release date! -- Ryan McCaffrey, Executive Editor

After years of wrongly predicting that Sony Bend’s new game would show up at each and every conference, we finally got our first glance at the gorgeous, post-apocalyptic Days Gone at E3 2017. Set in a beautiful depiction of the Pacific Northwest, it seems to pull the crafting elements of The Last of Us with the terrifying amount of zombies present in works like Dead Rising or 28 Days Later. Here’s to hoping 2017 holds more information on the game’s story and characters. -- Marty Sliva, Senior Editor

Detroit: Become Human

David Cage's adventure games have historically been nothing if not unique, and Detroit: Become Human appears to be no different. Our E3 look at it seems to suggest that it takes more cues from the beloved Heavy Rain than Beyond: Two Souls, and that's a good thing. Visual fidelity is again a highlight, while the dialogue-driven detective gameplay aims to scratch the itch of virtual android gumshoes everywhere. Speaking of which, the coincidental explosion in popularity of android-based entertainment – yes, we're looking at you, Westworld – complete with similar what-is-human? themes, should only help Detroit find a willing and receptive audience. No matter how it turns out, Detroit will almost certainly be worth playing, because Cage's work is anything but predictable. -- Ryan McCaffrey, Executive Editor

Ever Oasis

Ever Oasis is an Egyptian-themed action-RPG for Nintendo 3DS with a central theme of restoration. Your goal as Tethu is to build up a prosperous oasis in the desert by completing missions in dungeons and caves. The spoils will help you acquire new gear to help you in this promising 2017 game. -- Jose Otero, Editor

At first glance Ubisoft’s action game pitting Knights versus Vikings versus Samurai might seem like a simple team-based hack-and-slash take on historical fiction, but under the surface it’s so much more. For Honor’s directional fighting system is shaping up to be an excellent catalyst for psychological warfare, allowing forethinking tacticians to chain swings, bashes, blocks, counters, grabs, fakeouts, and more into brutal combinations and potent mind games. There’s a lot to like about the depth of For Honor’s strategy, its multi-faction, multi-class character system, and the epic personality of its unique and distinct warriors. -- Brandin Tyrrel, Editor

Friday the 13th: The Game

Based on what we've seen in previews, the team behind Friday the 13th has gone to great lengths to maintain a thematic fidelity with its slasher movie roots. The fear-based mechanic on display in early builds is an intriguing hook: as Jason sows terror among the hunted players, his power grows. I can't wait to hunt my friends as the iconic, immortal killer, but I'm just as excited by the thought of cooperating with friends, (and occasionally backstabbing them) as a hunted counselor. -- Jared Petty, Senior Editor

Ghost Recon Wildlands

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon goes open world in Ghost Recon Wildlands, a tactical shooter set in Bolivia. As a drug cartel called the Santa Blanca gains more and more power over cocaine production in the South American country, the US Army deploys their elite team of special operations soldiers — the Ghosts — to stop them. The open world — the largest Ubisoft says it has ever created — and a day/night cycle are designed to add a variety of options to every mission. Combined with dynamic NPC relationships, side-quests, and tons of upgradeable gear, Ghost Recon Wildlands is looking like it could be one of the most ambitious Ghost Recon games yet.  -- Chloi Rad, Associate Editor

God of War

The return of Kratos was bound to happen, but what Sony Santa Monica delivered onstage at E3 2016 was something amazingly different and welcome. Now a third-person action game, God of War 4 has taken up the Norse mythos, leaving behind its Greek roots, and made one hell of a first impression in the process. If the detail, quality, and well-hidden secrets of the E3 reveal demo are any indication of the finished game, we’re all going to be in incredible experience when we finally get our hands on the next chapter of the god of war. -- Brandin Tyrrel, Editor


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