jeudi 29 décembre 2016

IGN's Best Platformer Nominees of 2016

Here are IGN's nominees for Best Platformer of 2016. We'll announce our winner in January, but our opinion isn't the only one that matters — cast your vote in the poll at the bottom of the page to help decide the IGN People's Choice winner!

Bound Review

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From IGN's Review: "Despite being a relatively-simple 3D platformer, Bound’s fantastic sense of movement and strange, dream-like world make it utterly unique. It’s a testament to phenomenal controls and sense of grace that I was able to set aside the camera and design flaws, and fully immerse myself in this strange, beautiful story."

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From IGN's Review: "Inside very clearly builds upon what made Limbo great, and in fact builds something greater. Its unimaginable twist may leave you dumbfounded, confused, and quite possibly speechless, but it will fuel heated discussion with your friends about its meaning, its message, and its intentions. It’s a short ride, but one I felt compelled to take again — including a search for its mysterious hidden orb collectibles. Play it soon before anyone spoils a single big moment for you."

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From IGN's Review: "Owlboy shines thanks to surprisingly varied, Metroidvania-style gameplay and a charming cast of unlikely heroes whose bittersweet journey is among the best I’ve experienced in recent years. Its remarkably detailed pixel art makes every scene more breathtaking than the last, but it’s the relationships between characters in both story and gameplay that makes Owlboy something truly special."

From IGN's Review: "Unravel took me on a surprisingly thoughtful and reflective journey, which encouraged me to appreciate the small and the insignificant with every step. As a puzzler it has charm due to Yarny’s engaging skills, but as a platforming experience it’s less remarkable. But to judge it solely on these mechanical aspects would be to overlook its greater achievement: the way it provokes subtle and complex emotions through the use of nature and nostalgia. It all makes for a sincere, warm-hearted, and extremely likeable adventure."

Vote for what you think is the Best Platformer of 2016 in the poll below.

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