dimanche 19 mars 2017

Read This Before Selling Anything in Zelda: Breath of the Wild

in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Rupees are the main currency, and can can be pretty hard to come by. You can't find them just by cutting down grass, pots are fairly hard to come by, and they don't just appear after killing enemies, either. In Breath of the Wild, you have to earn your Rupees. Here are a few of the best methods to earn Rupees.

Want to know what you shouldn't sell? See here.

No, really. Recipes made with five ingredients will net you a huge profit, especially when you're using prime ingredients... like Raw Prime Meat and Raw Gourmet Meat! 

Meat Skewers made with five Raw Prime Meats sell for 210 Rupees, and Meat Skewers made with five Raw Gourmet Meat sell for 510! That's a lot of rupees just for a little hunting. Don't worry about conserving this meat for health, either.

Compare these two. The Meat Skewer sells for significantly more, than the Hearty Steamed Fruit, but the fruit is much better to use to heal. Not only does it refill all of your hearts; it also gives you three extra! And this dish was made with only one Hearty Radish and four Apples. Pretty easy-to-come-by ingredients. So save your meat to make Rupees, hunt for other (Hearty) ingredients to make food for consumption.

As user ambiguousbigot pointed out on Reddit, the best place to hunt for prime meat ingredients is South Tabantha Snowfield, nearby the Snowfield Stable. The animals there consistently drop quality meats, and you should be able to amass enough ingredients to make about 10,000 Rupees an hour! So get to hunting (making sure to pick up your rewards before they freeze on the ice), cook some Meat Skewers and sell to profit. 

Specifically, the various Talus in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will drop precious stones like Amber, Topaz, Ruby, and Sapphire when you defeat these.

Hinox, the giant cyclops, are usually found sleeping near massive mineral deposits. So by clearing them, you'll be able to peacefully mine the gems from the deposits. See a list of Mini Bosses on our map

These stones sell for quite a bit, but not more than Gourmet Meat Skewers (not even Diamonds). 

Also consider that later in the game, precious stones are used to upgrade gear, and craft buffing jewelry, so you might want to hold onto some of them. More on this below.

Luckily, they aren't a finite resource, as they'll respawn with the Blood Moon, but drops are random and they can be quite rare.

Once you've upgraded your Shiekah Slate, you'll be able to take photos and add items to your Hyrule Compendium. Once an item is added here, you can search for it with your Sheikah Sensor once you've spoken to Purah again and upgraded the Sheikah Sensor for 3 Ancient Screws.

Do you see where I'm going with this? Take a picture of a treasure chest, set it to your Shikah Sensor, and be amazed at how quickly the incessant beep drives you mad.

There are a lot of chests, and not all hold valuables, but it could be fun detour. However you can also take photos of both Ore and Rare Ore Deposits to find valuable gems constantly - just be sure to bring a hammer!

It's a bit difficult to deliberately go hunting for these creatures, and your time is better spent hunting normal animals for their Prime and Gourmet Meat. But sometimes, in a forest, you'll see a glowing blue spirit rabbit.

These are officially known as Blupees, and hitting one with an arrow will cause it to drop quite a few Rupees. The amounts vary wildly, but you could come away with 100 or more with just one shot.

Keep your eyes peeled for this glowing critter and make sure to sneak when you see it so it doesn't run away before you can shoot it. You can usually find one or two every few days on the road above Kakariko Village going up past the Shrine.

There are a few items you should consider holding on to in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Pretty much every item has multiple uses beyond selling - so depending on what you'd like to obtain or upgrade, it's worth figuring out what you want to hoard and which items you can afford to give up.

These include:

These are found by searching out-of-commission Guardians, or by defeating live ones. The parts they drop are used to upgrade your Shiekah Slate and Runes and to craft and upgrade certain armor! They can also be used to purchase ancient weapons at the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab.

These aren't finite resources, but Guardians can be pretty difficult to take down, so keep what you need at least:

  • Shiekah Slate Sensor Upgrade: 3 Ancient Screws
  • Remote Bomb Upgrade: 3 Ancient Shafts
  • Stasis Upgrade: 3 Ancient Cores

If you plan on getting the Ancient Armor Set, too, you'll need, per piece:

  • 20 Ancient Gears
  • 3-5 Ancient Screws
  • 3-5 Ancient Cores
  • 3-5 Ancient Shafts

You'll also need even more if you plan to upgrade your armor at Great Fairy Fountains.

Okay, we did recommend them as a way to make money, but as you progress through the game you may want to keep a few gems on hand. Gems include Luminous Stones, too! You'll be able to trade 10 of them in for one diamond in Zora's Domain. However, 10 Luminous Stones sell for more than a Diamond, so it all comes down to what you want to do with the different precious stones.

Gems and stones can be used for all sorts of things, like exchanging for jewelry and armor at Gerudo Town, or upgrading said jewelry and armor at the Great Fairy Fountains. More importantly, some gems are even needed to replace champion weapons you can get during the main questline.

Yes, even Monster Parts have a use outside of selling. Like lots of other materials, many different parts obtained from killing monsters are specifically needed to upgrade certain armor. Of course, if you aren't interested in upgrading the armor, you don't need to save them.

However, Monster Parts have another important use - exchanging for a different currency - Mon - with Kilton the Monster Parts Merchant. This strange man, once found at Skull Lake, will let you trade in parts to buy unique disguises and some really cool gear - but it will take a lot of parts to get everything.

This even includes the scales and other parts found from shooting the mythical Dragons that are found in Hyrule. You can sell these parts if you wish, but know that some of these dragon parts are needed to unlock Shrines tied to the ancient springs, and can even be used in cooking.

Beyond exchanging for Mon with Kilton, monsters parts can be used in the following ways:

NEVER SELL ARMOR! Most armor in the game is finite or very expensive, and since there's no limit to the armor you can hold unlike weapons, you should never be selling your armor - especially since you can upgrade most of them at Great Fairy Fountains.

The only exception to this is if you've gained special clothing using Amiibo and happen to get duplicates. If you do accidentally sell your unique armor that can't be bought - like the Climbing Gear or Barbarian Helm or Rubber Armor - there exists a merchant who only appears at Tarrey Town when you've completed the Side Quest: From the Ground Up, who will sell these armor pieces you have found once before - but they cost 4,000 Rupees each!

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