mardi 12 septembre 2017

More With Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford (Aliens, Battleborn, Etc.!)

He has so many stories to tell.

The president and CEO of Borderlands creator Gearbox Studios returns after his initial visit last month to finish his story. This time, he shares more stories from his fascinating career in games, including Aliens: Colonial Marines, Battleborn, the future of Borderlands, and much more!

If you'd rather listen than watch, here's an audio-only download link of the full episode.

Here is a preview clip, with Pitchford explaining why it's taken so long to get (and we still don't have) Borderlands 3:

And if you missed it, here's the first 90 minutes of the Pitchford interview, where he discussed growing up, learning magic, working on Duke Nukem 3D, founding Gearbox, working in the Half-Life and Halo universes, and much more:

Catch up on every episode of IGN Unfiltered here.

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