samedi 25 mars 2017

Mass Effect: Every Sex and Romance Partner So Far

The Mass Effect: Andromeda Sex and Romance guide contains a List of Characters You Can Romance and information on the romantic encounters that are found in Mass Effect Andromeda.

Below are spoilers as to who Ryder can romance along with the kind of romantic relationship each character can have with Ryder.

Romance options vary depending on which Ryder twin you choose to play. While Scott and Sara Ryder can get the flirt option with numerous people (like Scott can flirt with Natalie Dormer's character, Dr. Lexi T'Perro) they can be rejected after the first instance if the character isn't romance-able or if they aren't attracted to that Ryder.

This iteration in the series opens more kinds of relationships for the protagonist. See the chart below for all of Ryder's romantic options. Most romances occur after having several conversations with an individual. You'll see a heart icon appear that'll allow Ryder to flirt. Some characters, like squadmates, won't let you progress in their relationship until you've completed their character-specific missions.

†Romance not yet confirmed for the other twin.

Note: IGN's Andromeda team is still looking for all the possible romance options. If you found one we haven't listed, please add it to our list or let us know in the comments below.

The way to romance characters is rather standard: flirt when you see the heart icon, and if the character is interested, they'll convey that to your chosen Ryder. Most will update their conversations after you complete a major mission or character specific mission that'll allow you to further your romance.

Flirting with every character at the beginning doesn't hurt your chances with the others later on.

Romanced by:
Male Ryder
Commitment Required:

Cora was the ranking officer on your father's Pathfinder team before you took over, and an accomplished soldier. Ryder's ascent to the role of Pathfinder may have initially been a point of contention between the two, but the two eventually manage to put aside their differences.

Romanced by:
Male/Female Ryder
Commitment Required:

A former mercenary and smuggler, Vetra is now your requisitions officer on board the Tempest. While she presents a hard exterior (both emotionally and with her Turian exoskeleton), she cares greatly for her younger sister and the work the Tempest crew is doing.

For both the male or female Ryder, flirting with Vetra can begin almost immediately, but it doesn't become anything more than playful until after completing her loyalty mission.

Romanced By:
Male / Female Ryder
Commitment Required:

Express your interest for Peebee right off the bat and she'll echo your interest. She's quite the flirt. Keep flirting (and helping her with her side missions) until after visiting the vault on Aya. Find her on Aya in the angara Repository of History. She's drunk. You can comfort her about her studies.

When you return to the Tempest talk to her in her room. She's incredibly stressed, and SAM offers to let her use the escape pod to do some zero gravity relaxation. At this point Peebee asks Ryder if they'd like to join her. You're presented with two options:

  • Keep it casual. Peebee won't care if you're dating anyone else. This option gives you a sex scene with Peebee and you'll be able to casually have sex with her after. She'll email you about it later. Keep up the relationship for additional options.
  • State you want a committed relationship. Peebee doesn't commit at this point, but she does accept Ryder's company.

Further into the game, once you complete Peebee's Loyalty Mission, you can continue to flirt with her. If during the end of her loyalty mission, you respected her wishes and let the thief survive, you'll receive an email from Peebee after completing the mission Journey to Meridian. Examine the gift she's left you to view her final romance sequence.

Romanced by:
Commitment Required?

Liam is a Crisis response specialist and one of the initial members of your Pathfinder team. Liam and Ryder form a close bond as friends during their missions together, and if the player chooses that bond can become deeper.

If you've been flirting with Liam throughout the game, Ryder has the option to take things to the next level after completing his Loyalty Mission All In (this requires you to have established Outposts on at least three planets). Liam will want to show you something on Eos after you earn his loyalty - visit the planet and choose the romance option when it appears in the dialogue.

Romanced by:
Commitment Required?

Jaal is Angaran, a native of the Andromeda galaxy, and the newest member of the Tempest's crew. He is a romance option for the female Ryder.

Jaal can be flirted with once he comes onboard, and the relationship can be continued after completing his initial character mission Friend or Foe.

After this mission is complete, his Loyalty Mission will unlock - when you reach the end of this mission, do not act impulsively and attempt to shoot Akksul. Once the mission is complete, check your email and respond to Jaal's offer to meet his family.

During this interaction, you can commit to Jaal's relationship - this will prevent you from being able to romance any other crew members you were previously flirting with.

Romanced by:
Male or Female
Commitment Required?

Keri T'Vessa is a video journalist on the Nexus, producing a series of videos about the progress of the Initiative. She requests that Ryder be one of her subjects, and she can be flirted with during the interview sessions.

Despite a mutual interest between them, Keri is insistent that she not become romantically entangled with the subject of an ongoing interview. That said, she extends the offer to "get to know one another better" after the interview series is complete. She also doesn't seem to be interested in an exclusive relationship, saying "I wouldn't interfere with your life, what happens with me stays with me."

Romanced by:
Female Only
Commitment Required?

Dr Suvi Anwar is a a member of theNexusscience team, and also a science officer aboard the Tempest and can be found by the Galaxy Map section of the ship in a chair on the left.

To romance her, you must talk to her every time you come back to the Tempest during the main story. This is fairly long winded, and she won't always have new dialogue for you, but make sure you always talk to her when you come back to see if she does. Always select the heart option as well. When you have amassed enough loyalty with her, she'll send you an email to meet her at the Lab on the Nexus. Go there and watch the scene unnfold to complete this romance.

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