mercredi 13 septembre 2017

For Honor Adds a New Tribute Mode

The mode is coming in a free future update.

For Honor is getting a new mode called 'Tribute' in a future free update.

Tribute is a 4 vs 4 multiplayer objective game mode that tasks players to capture three Offerings around the map and bring them back to one of their team's three Shrines. Each Shrine grants a different Blessing once an Offering has been made:

  • Vindicator Blessing: Gives your whole team a boost to attack, as well as a speed boost when carrying an Offering and faster interaction when stealing an Offering.
  • Guardian Blessing: Gives your whole team a small regenerating shield, as well as slowing enemy interaction when they try to steal your team’s Offering.
  • Oracle Blessing: Increases the awareness of your whole team. This includes showing, both in-world and on the radar, the location of an Offering carrier and the whole enemy team.

Because each Blessing is so different, it's up to you to strategize with your team the order in which you want to capture the Offerings. Once you've captured all three, a countdown will begin to defend them from the opposing team.

For Honor's Tribute Mode will go live in a 'future update'.

If you haven't yet checked out For Honor, we called it a great multiplayer battler in our IGN For Honor Review.

Lucy O'Brien is Games & Entertainment Editor at IGN’s Sydney office. Follow her on Twitter.

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