This page contains software updates, patch notes and various bug / glitch fixes released for Mass Effect: Andromeda.
The 1.06 patch addresses a host of issues across the entire game, including fixing single-player bugs and adding some multiplayer updates.
- Fixed issue causing SP difficulty to impact multiplayer
- Improved performance and stability
- Various improvements to cinematic scenes
- Fixed issue where SAM would mistakenly tell Ryder they have new email
- Conversation options will no longer appear “greyed out” if new content is available
- Improved legibility of subtitles
- Maximum Nexus Level increased to 29
- Single player balance improvements at higher difficulties.
- Fixed issues with player animations getting stuck when jumping or changing direction repeatedly
- Increased the number of autosaves allowed
- Special items will not carry over into New Game+
- Fixed issue where subtitles would not appear while waiting at the dialogue wheel if subtitles were disabled
- Fixed issue that could cause AVP to reset to zero for all planets except Kadara
- Weapon and armor vendors now carry inventory once player reaches Level 61
- Chest armors now have level restrictions
- Bonus items—such as Pathfinder Armor—can now be deconstructed
- Fusion Mod of Resistance no longer continues to apply evade damage once unequipped
- Improved responsiveness of control sticks
- Fixed clipping issue on Sara Ryder’s casual jacket
- Added graphics options to toggle Motion Blur and Depth of Field
- Fixed issue where Remnant VI would stop attacking
- Turbocharge will not deplete spare ammo when used on a weapon with the Vintage Heat Sink augmentation
- Fixed interaction with datapad in the Search for the Remnant Drive Core mission.
- Fixed issue where squadmate could not be revived if killed by a fiend at Site 2
- Swapping a dead squadmate at a loadout will not cause them to die permanently
- Nexus tram now operates during Nexus Reunion mission even if player has not completed Prologue
- Fixed issue where player could romance both Cora and Peebee
- Fixed issue where player could romance both Vetra and Peebee
- Taking the left path in the Havarl dungeon will not block progression on Remnant Scanner mission
- Fixed issue on H-047C where enemies could get stuck inside a rock, making them unkillable
- Fixed issue where player couldn’t hide Ryder’s helmet after completing Ark Natanus mission
- Fixed broken Nomad Shield Crafting mission
- Fixed health issues with Architect’s leg that prevented completion of the fight
- Frequency mission on Voeld is no longer blocked if player leaves the area after scanning the meteorite.
- Missing Science Crew mission no longer blocked if Ryder kills the Architect before finishing objectives
- Leaving the Nomad while falling out of bounds no longer results in infinite loading screen
- Fixed issue where Nomad jump control was not remapping
- Fixed issue where Cora slowly fell back to the ground after charging an airborne enemy
- Improved performance on Eos when approaching or fast travelling to Prodromos
- Loading auto-save will not block progress after kett encounter near Site 1 power relay station
- Eliminated player fall through on Tempest after loading autosaves in space
- Reduced the cost of Strike Team equipment and improved its effectiveness
- A default Ryder name can now carry over to New Game+
- PC Fixes
- Fixed issue where dialogue choices would auto-select when using mouse and keyboard
- Improvements to display when running at different resolutions
- PS4 Fixes
- Fixed a crash that occurred when sitting in main menu for more than two minutes
- Fixed crash that occurred when moving from multiplayer back to the main menu
- Fixed issue where player would crouch repeatedly while interacting with device
- Player’s deceased character no longer falls through the floor after an Ascendant attack in the extraction zone on Firebase Icebreaker
- Improvements to reduce lag for players and hosts
- Increased the base damage of powers.
- Improved some of the bonuses granted by additional skill points.
- Improved damage from passive skill trees.
- Increased combo detonations on Gold and Silver difficulties
- Increased base damage for "underperforming" weapons.
- Increase shotgun damage / accuracy outside of cover.
- Reduced the damage of the Vanquisher sniper rifle
- Reduced Kett health / defenses.
- Reduced chances that Fiends will sync-attack on Silver and Gold difficulties.
- Improved ability of Outlaw Sharpshooters and Hydras to push players into cover.
- Made Berserker easier to fight from cover
- Increased Hydra damage output
- Fixed bug that made Silver and Gold difficulties use normal stats for Shield / Health Gate
- Fixed bug that made Silver and Gold difficulties use normal stats for damage reduction due to armor.
- Enemy armor now reduces 15 damage per hit on Silver and 20 damage per hit on Gold
- Minimum of 10 damage per hit
- Increased raw power damage upgrades by a cumulative 25-35% per power
- Increased all power damage upgrades by a cumulative 20% per line
- Fixed a bug that caused combos in Gold and Silver difficulties to deal incorrect base damage
- Increased base combo damage by approximately 60% in Bronze, 140% in Silver, and 200% in Gold.
- Increased combo damage upgrades in all passives from +30% to +50%
- Increased Barricade base duration from 12s to 13s
- Decreased Rank 4 Barricade duration bonus from 40% to 35%.
- Increased Rank 5 Barricade buff from 20% to 30% power damage bonus.
- Increased Flak Cannon base primary damage from 180 to 250.
- Increased base Flak Cannon power cell count from 2 to 4
- Increased the Rank 5 Assault Turret flamethrower’s DPS from 45 to 150, and burn DoT from 22 to 35 damage per second
- Increased the Rank 2 Assault Turret health upgrade from +30% to +50%, and the Rank 4 health upgrade from +50% to +75%
- Assault Turret cooldown now triggers when the turret spawns, instead of when it is destroyed.
- Increased base Assault Turret bullet damage from 20 to 36
- The Assault Turret cooldown is now 30s, but can be reduced to 10s with the Rank 4 cooldown upgrade.
- Fixed a bug causing the Rank 6 Assault Turret cryo ammo to inflict no damage
- Increased Incinerate base damage from 120 to 350
- Decreased Incinerate damage over time from 50 to 45 damage per second
- Increased Overload base uncharged damage from 150 to 200, and charged damage from 200 to 300
- Increased Flamethrower base damage from 220 to 240 damage per second
- Increased Cryo Beam base damage per second from 135 to 150
- Increased Energy Drain base damage from 160 to 175
- Increased Shield Boost base radius from 6m to 8m
- Increased Shield Boost support score (from by successfully giving another player shields) from 10 to 20
- Improved Rank 4 Invasion infection radius and Rank 5 spread radius
- Increased base Remnant VI health from 500 to 800
- Increased Rank 2 Remnant VI health upgrade from 15% to 65%
- Improved Rank 4 Remnant VI health regeneration rate and delay
- Increased Rank 5 Remnant VI close-combat health upgrade from 120% to 200%
- Increased the Rank 6 Remnant VI missile damage from 90 to 450
- Decreased the Rank 6 Remnant VI missile cooldown from 10s to 5s
- Increased base Remnant VI beam damage from 70 to 100 damage per second
- Fixed issue where Remnant VI would occasionally get stuck
- Remnant VI will now teleport to player if its path is too complex Biotic Powers:
- Increased Rank 5 Pull's crushing grip damage over time from 35 to 60 damage per second
- Increased Throw base damage from 225 to 240
- Increased Shockwave base damage from 225 to 245
- Decreased Singularity base cooldown from 24s to 20s
- Increased Rank 5 Singularity recharge rate bonus from +25% to +40%
- Increased Backlash base aegis health from 350 to 400
- Increased Backlash base reflection damage bonus from +180% to +200%
- Increased Rank 4 Backlash and Rank 5 bonuses
- Increased Charge base damage from 250 to 275
- Increased Nova base damage from 400 to 420
- Increased Annihilation base cooldown penalty from 60% to 75%
- Decreased the Rank 4 Annihilation radius bonus from 50% to 35%
- Annihilation damage and bonuses from different users will now stack on the same target
- Slightly improved Lance aim assist at longer ranges Passive Powers:
- Barrier Drain: Barrier shield regeneration value from melee attacks decreased from 20% to 15%
- Biotic Link: Barrier can now only apply its effect once every 5s
- Saving Barrier: Barrier cooldown on the automatic shield regeneration increased from 10s to 15s
- Improved the bonuses for Rank 6 Biotic Ascension evolutions Character Stats:
- Decreased Asari Adept base shields from 250 to 200
- Decreased Krogan Vanguard base shields from 180 to 150
- Avenger
- Increased damage from 35–47 to 39–50
- Mattock
- Increased damage from 50–63 to 90–113
- Increased magazine size from 16 to 20
- Zalkin
- Increased damage from 60–76 to 79–99
- Valkyrie
- Increased damage from 86–99 to 164–190
- Increased magazine size from 16 to 20
- Increased total spare Valkyrie ammo from 128–160 to 140–175
- Soned
- Increased damage from 51–59 to 70–81
- Improved rate-of-fire charge time from 1s to 0.5s
- Improved accuracy when firing from the hip or firing blindly over barriers
- Maximum accuracy while aiming down sights slightly decreased; the accuracy penalty for firing reduced.
- Increased PAW damage from 35–40 to 58–67
- Increased Halberd damage from 90–113 to 150–180 Pistols
- Increased Carnifex damage from 175–220 to 255–321
- Increased Hornet damage from 46–55 to 101–121
- Increased Sidewinder damage from 150–180 to 167–200
- Increased Hurricane damage from 49–57 to 65–75
- Eagle
- Increased damage from 69–80 to 96–111
- Improved accuracy
- Rozerad
- Increased damage from 48–56 to 73-84
- Increased rate of fire from 420–525 to 490–613
- Improved rate-of-fire charge time from 2s to 1s
- Improved accuracy
- Ushior
- Increased damage from 463–535 to 775–896
- Increased magazine size from 1 to 2
- Increased total ammo from 18–23 to 20–25
- Reduced weight from 0.25–0.13 to 0.2–0.1
- Charger
- Accuracy slightly reduced Shotguns
- Katana
- Increased damage per pellet from 46–61 to 64–85
- Piranha
- Increased damage per pellet from 54–62 to 59–68
- Disciple
- Increased damage per pellet from 60–76 to 79–99
- Ruzad
- Increased damage per pellet from 98–123 to 171–215
- Crusader
- Increased damage from 382–442 to 699–808
- Bullet trails added to the slug
- Hesh
- Increased damage per pellet from 55–66 to 66–79
- Scattershot
- Increased damage per pellet from 46–55 to 66–79
- Dhan
- Increased damage from 595–688 to 850–983
- Increased magazine size from 2 to 3
- Increased total spare ammo from 20–25 to 21–26
- Deals extra weak point damage
- Venom
- Increased damage from 290–348 to 352–422
- The initial round will now explode on contact with a target and the fragments will travel faster and longer before they explode Sniper Rifles
- Vanquisher
- Reduced damage from 675–810 to 600–720
- Shadow
- Increased damage from 38–46 to 85–102
- Increased damage as the Shadow gets closer to overheating; weapon will overheat faster
- Valiant
- Increased damage from 463–535 to 550–636
- Total spare ammo increased from 35–44 to 45–56
- Naladen
- Increased damage from 496–574 to 650–752 Enemies Kett
- Wraith
- Reduced health by 20%
- Chosen
- Reduced health by 5%
- Anointed
- Reduced shields by 47%
- Destined
- Reduced shields by 67%
- Fiend
- Decreased the chance that a Fiend initiates a sync attack on Hardcore and Insanity difficulties in single-player and Silver and Gold difficulties in multiplayer
- Ascendant
- Cobra RPG can now damage the Ascendant after its Orb is destroyed; on Normal or Bronze difficulty, the Cobra RPG can kill the Ascendant in one shot
- Increased effectiveness of powers and weapons that lack extra weak point damage against the Orb Outlaws
- Angaran Saboteur
- Increased armor by 33%
- Turian Anarchist
- Increased armor by 33%
- Increased weapon damage by 20%
- Salarian Agent
- Increased armor by 33%
- Now fires more frequently
- Asari Pariah
- Increased armor by 33%
- Increased weapon damage by 20%
- Sharpshooter
- Increased shields by 60%
- Increased frequency of firing at targets in cover
- Decreased aiming time against out-of-cover targets at higher difficulties
- Decreased sniper rifle damage by 18%
- [SP] Fixed a bug that caused Roekaar Sharpshooters to deal 75% more sniper rifle damage than intended
- Krogan Berserker
- Reduced armor by 20%
- Hydra
- Increased armor by 38%
- Weak point health now scales per difficulty in proportion to base health, effectively making it harder to break the weak point on Hardcore and Insanity difficulties in single-player and on Silver and Gold difficulties in multiplayer
- Bonus damage from destroying the weak point now also scales with health
- Increased normal shot damage by 67%
- Normal shot projectile speed doubled
Bug Fixes
- The Destroyer and Hydra’s remains will properly disappear after being defeated Matches / Missions Match Medals
- Score required to achieve a Support Medal for Bronze, Silver, and Gold difficulties increased from 400/800/1,200 to 800/1,600/2,000 Store Item Store
- Added Experience Boosters to the Item Store Equipment
- Adaptive War Amp
- Increased damage bonus from 15% to 30%
- Engineering Kit
- Increased damage bonus from 15% to 30%
- Enhanced Munitions
- Increased damage bonus from 15% to 30%
- Improved tutorial placement
- Single player balance changes:
Ammo crates, armor, weapons, nomad, profiles, attacks & progression - Multiplayer balance changes: Weapons, cover, and enemies
- Added option to skip autopilot sequences in the galaxy map
- Improved logic, timing, and continuity for relationships and story arcs
- Improved lip-sync and facial acting during conversations, including localized VO
- Fixed various collision issues
- Fixed bugs where music or VO wouldn’t play or wasn’t correct
- Fixed issue where global squad mate banter sometimes wasn’t firing on UNCs
- Fixed issue where player was unable to access the Remnant Console Interface after failing decryption multiple times
- Fixed issue where fast travel is sometimes disabled after recruiting Drack until the player reloads a save
- Fixed issue where Ryder can become stuck in the start of Biotic Charge Pose
- Fixes issues related to some saves
- Fixed issue where objective sometimes becomes un-interactable for players in multiplayer
- Streaming and stability improvements
This is the first official patch for Mass Effect: Andromeda.
- Fixed an issue whereby players were unable to land on Ark Natanus
- Fixed an issue whereby the game loaded to a black screen or ran as a background process when Corsair Utility Engine or similar programs were running
- Fixed an issue causing players to stop hearing their character’s audio and start hearing another player’s instead
- Fixed an issue causing the game to crash when using the Human Male Soldier and F key
This initial patch fixes many issues that had been reported during pre-release testing and EA early access to Andromeda.
- Overall performance improvements
- Fixed an issue with the title only accepting input from the last controller synced when two controllers are assigned to the same profile
- Fixed various collision issues
- Fixed a few rare audio issues
- Improvements to many cinematics, conversations, and other character interactions
- Improved quest rewards
- Fixed an issue whereby a door could become jammed in mission 5
- Fixed issues with objective markers not appearing correctly
- Minor performance improvements after some Tempest transitions
- Fixed an issue whereby the combat music was not functioning as designed
- Fixed some minor quest-related issues
- Fixed a small cinematic issue during the Drack loyalty quest
- Minor balancing change to the “Remove the Heart” quest
- Improvements to quest tracking and waypoints
- Improvements to Strike Teams UI screens
- Additional multiplayer tutorials implemented
- Balance changes to guns, reward packs, and objectives scoring
- Improved appearance of character portraits
- Added new artwork for MP characters, armor, and challenges in menus and codex entries
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