mercredi 31 mai 2017

Cable #1 Review


Cable gets back to doing what he does best.

Marvel is banking pretty heavily on '90s nostalgia when it comes to the ResurrXion relaunch. Hot on the heels of X-Men Gold, X-Men Blue and a new incarnation of Generation X, Cable is back in his own solo series. Luckily, one needn't already be a fan of this gun-toting, time-traveling cyborg assassin to enjoy what James Robinson and Carlos Pacheco are delivering.

Robinson has really found his niche at Marvel these past couple years. Cable continues the approach of books like Scarlet Witch and Nick Fury, books that reflect current Marvel continuity but focus more on telling clean, approachable stories set in their own little corners of the Marvel U. Cable doesn't follow the standalone issue format of those books, but otherwise is cut from a similar cloth. Robinson doesn't burden readers with Cable's convoluted history or an excess of plot in this first issue. Instead, he throws them right into the middle of Cable's latest time-hopping adventure. It's not clear who or what Cab;e is pursuing in this first issue, but clearly this is a case where the journey is more important than the destination.

There can be a fine line when it comes to plot-light, action-heavy books like this. The pared-down, straight-to-the-point approach is all fine and well, but there needs to be at least some depth and nuance to the characterization to keep readers invested. That's been the problem with Nick Fury so far, to be honest. But Cable falls on the other side of that line. The script is streamlined and light on exposition, but it manages to shed light on Cable's personality in subtle, effective ways. In particular, the scene involving Cable consoling a grieving Japanese woman speaks a lot to his character with only a handful of words and images.


Carlos Pacheco makes for a strong storytelling partner. Pacheco's style evokes the classic '90s era just enough to suit the lead character. There's also a very clean, sleek quality to his pencils that helps immensely with the streamlined storytelling approach. Robinson has no need to rely on narration of exposition when Pacheco's dynamic framing choices and emotionally charged characters get the job done on their own.

More so than with many artists, Pachecho's art tends to vary in quality a lot depending on which inker and colorist he's paired with. Luckily, Cable pairs Pacheco with a strong team in inker Rafael Fonteriz and colorist Jesus Aburtov. Fonteriz's thin but confident lines bring extra clarity to Pacheco's work, and Aburtov's colors give the book a rich quality. Aburtov is especially skilled at capturing the sun-drenched vistas of the Wild West and the dramatic scenes human suffering in Feudal Japan.

The Verdict

Cable immediately establishes itself as one of the stronger additions to Marvel's ResurrXion lineup. This first issue offers a tightly paced, attractive romp as the cyborg hero hunts a mysterious enemy across time. And fortunately, the book is able to add just enough depth and complexity to its main character to balance out the light, breezy storytelling approach.

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