This page contains information on the ongoing weekly updates and events for GTA Online.
GTA 5 and Grand Theft Auto Online regularly roll out special rewards and weekly discounts. This week is no different, with Sunday Drivers Week muscle car bonuses and discounts. Check back here every weekend for your one-stop look at every GTA Online weekly update.
- Custom Double RP and GTA Cash Muscle Car playlist.
- Unlock a free Bahama Mama T-short for logging in
- Half off all Benny's upgrades and hydraulics
- 25% off liveries, neon kits, interior mods, plateholders, vanity plates, engine bays, air filters, bumpers, fenders, chasss, roofs, trunks, wheels
- This week's premium stunt track: Trench II offers triple RP and big cash rewards
- Freemode Events grant Double GTA Cash and RP, (Time Trials not included).
- 50% off Karin Sultan RS upgrade from Benny’s, Ignition and Car Bombs, Body Armor, Pistols, and Luxury Weapon Finishes from Ill-Gotten Gains and Executives and Other Criminals
- 25% discount om Vapid FMJ, SMGs, Assault Rifles, and resprays
- Premium Stunt Race: Rally with triple RP for racers and GTA cash rewards of $100,000 for first, $30,000 for second and $20,000 for third
August 19 - August 25, 2016: Bonuses and Discounts
- Three new Entourage Maps
- Double GTA Cash and RP Entourage Playlist and Entourage Maps August 19-25
- Double GTA Cash and RP in all Stunt Races
- Free Red Stunt Jumpsuit available for logging in
- 50% off HVY Insurgents. Sniper Rifles, Miniguns, Launchers, and Ammo
- 25% off Grotti X80 Proto, Dewbauchee Seven-70, Progen Tyrus, and Vapid Desert Raid
- Triple RP and huge cash rewards for Supercar-only Premium Stunt Race "Plummet"
- 50% Discounts on:
- All Executive Offices
- Nagasaki Buzzard Attack Chopper
- Assistant Services
(Impound Recovery, Vehicle Delivery, etc) - FAiFaF Clothing Items
- 25% Discounts on:
- Super Car: Pegassi Reaper
- Office Customization
(Gun Locker, Safe, Apartment, etc)
- Double RP & GTA$ Game Modes:
- Entourage
- Extraction
- Hunting Pack
- Premium Stunt Race: Vespucci
- Double RP for Free-Roam VIP Work + Challenges
(Cargo Delivery, Sightseer, etc)
- New GTA Online Stunt Race Creator, allowing players to create their own Standard, GTA, Rally, and Non-Contact Stunt Races.
- New Stunt Race Creator features: Raised Tracks, Tubes, Loops and other Stunt Props, with a vastly increased supply of props and track options
- New Entourage Adversary Mode: A team of Bodyguards work together to escort an armored Vehicle to a finish line, hunted by Assassins.
- Double GTA Cash and RP by playing Entourage Playlist August 2 - 11
- 25% off tats and Stunt Clothing
The second addition to the Cunning Stunts update was announced on July 26, 2016.
- Bonus: 2x RP/ GTA$ in Stunt Races
07/27/2016 - 07/29/2016 - Free Item: Gold Jock Cranley Jumpsuit / Helmet
- Sale on Vehciles / Customization:
20% of all Resprays and Neon Lights
30% off Nimbus jet and Volatus helicopter. - Five new Stunt Races:
- Three new Vehicles
- Bravado Spunk Buffalo - Free
- MTL Dune - $1,300,000 / $1,385,000
- Vapid Contender - $250,000
- Premium Race: H200
07/29/2016 - 07/31/2016
- Free new Silver Jumpsuit (with helmet) available until July 25th
- 20% off all Garages & Properties, Spoilers, Wheels, Tire Smoke, Skirts, Exhausts and Horns.
- Six new Stunt Races:*Afterburner (Bikes)
- Three new Vehicles:*Ocelot Lynx (Sports) - $1,735,000
- Declasse Drift Tampa (Sports) - $994,000
- Western Cliffhanger (Bike) - $225,000
- Daily Premium Stunt Races
- Free Jock Cranley Jumpsuit (black)
- 20% off Properties w/ Garages
- 15% off Engine, Brake and Suspension upgrades
- Million-GTA$ SnapMatic contest.
- Dewbauchee Seven-70 sports car
- Three new Power Play locations: Los Santos International Airport, Port of Los Santos, Alamo Sea
- Double GTA Cash and RP Power Play Playlist July 5-8
- Double GTA Cash and RP Power Play/Trading Places Playlist over weekend
- Independence Day content continues through July 11
- 50% off Savage military copter
- 25% off garage properties and Independence Day Special content
- 20% Offices and Office Interiors
- 15% off Warehouse Workbench Upgrades
June 28-30 and July 1-11: Pfister Week and Independence Day Special
- New Pfister 811 Supercar
- Double GTA Cash and RP Street Racing Playlist June 28-30
- Independence Day Weekend Playlist Friday July 1 – Monday July 4
- All original Independence Day Special content available July 1 - July 11th
- 25% off Liberator,Sovereign, Firework Rocket Launcher, Fireworks Ammo, Independence Day Special clothing July 1-11
- 50% off Bull Shark Testosterone June 28-July 4
- 40% off Turreted Limo, Karin Technical, Masks June 28-July 4
June 21-27 Power Play Adversary Mode and More
- Power Play, a new adversary mode where players use temporary power-ups to overcome enemies and achieve victory.
These Power-ups include:
- Beasted, which grants platers into the Beast, a special character type equipped with invisibility, super jump, and super strength
- Zoned: Slows down time
- Doped: Enemies start to trip out, interfering with vision
- Raging: Friendlies do more damage and take less damage
- Flipped: invert enemy controls
- Dark: Team vanishes from the map
Plus bonuses, discounts, and a new Vehicle:
- Three new Power Play Jobs
- Double RP and GTA Cash through the Power Play Playlist
- New Grotti X80 Proto Supercar
- Free Grotti in-game tee for logging in
- 50% off Lampadati Toro, Swift, and the Buckingham Valkyrie
- No Heist prerequisites to purchase Vakyrie this week
- 33% off Homing Launcher.
June 14-20 Trading Spaces and New Discounts
- Three new Trading Spaces maps for the new Trading Spaces mode
- Free Red Paisley Pajamas and Smoking Jacket on login
- 50% off bulletproof tires
- 25% off car armor, annihilator helicopter, Carbine, Assault Rifles, Compact Rifles, Machine Pistol, SMG, Heavy Shotgun, Combat PDW, All Ammunition, Weapon Tints, Etched Finishes, Body Armor, Parachute Bags, and Canopies
June 7-13 Further Adventures in Finance and Felony Bonus Week Event
- Further Adventures in Finance and Felony full update launched June 7
- Unlock Pastel Green Pajamas and Pastel Green Smoking Jacket for free
- 25% off the Buzzard Attack Chopper, Lester and Merryweather Security, Carbine, Assault Rifles, Compact Rifles, Machine Pistol, SMG, Heavy Shotgun, Combat PDW, All Ammo, Weapon Tints, Etched Finishes, Body Armor, Parachute Bags, and Canopies
- Double RP in the designated Adversary Modes Playlist, which includes Extraction III, Inch By Inch IV, and In and Out II through Jun 6.
- 50% off Orion Yacht, SuperVolito chopper, SuperVolito Carbon, Turreted Limo, Heavy Revolver, Switchblade, and VIP services
- 25% off all Yacht modifications, Verlierer, Benefactor Schafter, (all variants), Cognoscenti( all models), Smoking Jackets, Robes, and Pajamas
- Free Yacht transport Fri-Mon
- Double GTA Cash and RP in all races May 27-29
- Double RP Races in featured Playlists, May 30-June 2
- SUMO Adversary Mode Double GTA cah and RP May 27-29
- SUMO Adversary Mode Double RP May 30-June 2
- 50% off stilt houses, Benefactor Dubsta 6x6, Armed Insurgent
- 25% off several Benny's vehicles, Insurgent, RPG, Homing Launcher, and rocket ammo
- Double GTA Cash and RP for Capture Jobs
- Special Double GTA Cash and RP Playlist May 20-22: GTA: All Abhorred, Contend: Townhall Trinity, Raid: Wargames
- Special Double RP Playlist - May 23-26: Contend: Condo-monium, GTA: Grab a Cab, Hold: Freight Fight
- Exclusive in-game T-shirt for logging in this weekend
- 50% off explosives (including grenades and rockets), some engine mods and brakes, Kurumas, and Luxor Deluxe (Gold Luxor)
- Double RP and GTA Cash in In and Out mode
- Double RP in all Deathmatches, Last Team Standing, Captures, and Adversary Modes
- Double RP and GTA Cash Bonus Playlist - May 13-15th: In and Out IV, V and VI maps
- Double RP and GTA Cash Bonus Playlist - May 16-17: Cross The Line I, Come Out To Play V and Till Death Do Us Part II
- Double RP and GTA Cash Bonus Playlist - May 18-19: Extraction V, Beast vs Slasher IV and Siege Mentality I
- 25% off all Warstock vehicles
- 25 % off all Rifles , snipers, projectiles, and ammo
- 50% off Body Armor and Merryweather services, including armed backup
- On May 9, Rockstar revealed details about new updates headed our way in the coming months.
- Upcoming successor to Executives and Other Criminals will introducece contraband trafficing, allowing players to stockpile and sell illicit material. Jewels, narcotics, and medical supplies will be available for sale. Players can set up a headquarters and coordinate with teammates to maintain stock quality and arrange shipping runs...which can be interrupted by enemies looking for a quick buck.
- New expansions centered around stunts and stunt ready Vehicles, plus Creator options to facilitate stunt courses.
- New Adversary Modes
- New locations for In and Out
- New competitive team-based modes
- Special bonus events, with Double RP playlists, bonus GTA cash, discounts on vehicles and properties, and more
- Double GTA Cash and RP Freemode Time Trail - May 6th: Vinewood Bowl
- Double GTA Cash and RP Freemode Time Trail - May 7th: Down Chiliad
- Double GTA Cash and RP Freemode Time Trail - May 8th: Mount Gordo
- Double GTA Cash and RP Freemode Time Trail - May 9th: Great Ocean Highway
- Double GTA Cash and RP Freemode Time Trail - May 10th: Sawmill
- Double GTA Cash and RP Freemode Time Trail - May 11th: Maze Bank Arena
- Double GTA Cash and RP Freemode Time Trail - May 12th: End to End
- 50% off T20, Zentorno, Pegassi Osiris
- 50% off Hakuchuo and Akuma
- 30% off select Vehicle Mods
- Free services from Lester: Cops Turn Blind Eye, Remove Wanted Level, Mechanic Service for property owners
- Weekly Double RP playlist - Access from the GTA Online Playlists on the Pause Menu or jump straight in from the launch screen
- New team Adversary Mode, In and Out, debuts Tues, May 2. In and Out is a team scramble where attackers move to Capture well-protected packages from the defenders
- April 29-30: Double GTA Cash and RP Adversary Mode Playlist including Hunting Pack, Relay, Offense Defense
- May 1-2: Double GTA Cash and RP Adversary Mode Playlist including Hasta La Vista, Every Bullet Counts, Keep the Pace
- May 3-5: Double GTA Cash and RP Adversary Mode Playlist including 3 In and Out maps
- 20% off Grenades and Sticky Bombs
- 25% Assault Rifle Mods and Combat MGs
- 50% off SMG Ammo
- Two new Inch by Inch Maps
- April 22-24: Weekly Double GTA Cash and RP Playlist for Inch by Inch Maps
- April 22-24: Special Double RP Playlists - Inch by Inch
- April 25-36: Special Double RP Playlists - Races
- April 27-28: Special Double RP Playlists - Team Deathmatch
- Double RP VIP Work and VIp Challenges
- Double RP High Life Update Contact Missions
- 20% off Yachts and Yacht Customization
- 25% off Stilt Houses and Penthouses
- 50% off some clothing
- 50% off the Bullpup Rifle
- April 19: Declasse Sabre Turbo Custom comes to Benny's as a new custom
- April 15-17: Super Car Racing Playlist Double RP
- April 18-29: Lowriders Street Racing Playlist Double RP
- April 20-21: Mixed Road Racing Playlist Double RP
- 20% off Garages and Properties
- 25% some Lowriders clothing
- 50% off tattoos and hairstyles
- No daily mechanic fees all week
- This week: Shark Card Rebates on Bull, Great White, Whale & Megalodon Shark Cards and receive free bonus GTA cash. Purchase a card between April 15-21 and get a lump-sum bonus deposited in your Maze Bank account on or before April 29.
- A brand new adversary mode launches April 12. Inch by Inch forces a player carrying a package to reach the safety of a goal line in a hostile arena. The package carrier can't use weapons, so he or she is dependent on teammates for cover fire as the entire enemy squad focuses on taking the courier down.
- New Double RP and GTA Cash Adversary Mode Playlists running April 8-9, April 10-11, and an Inch by Inch playlist running April 12-14
- All week Sniper Rifles 25% Off
- All week Sniper Rifle Attachments – 50% Off
- All week Shotguns 40% Off
- All week Shotgun Attachments 30% Off
- All week Body Armor 50%
- The Vapid Minivan becomes customization at Benny's motorsport April 12.
- On April 5, a Declasse Tornado Custom comes to Benny's
- On April 5, two new maps for Sumo mode
- All week, Double RP on curated race playlists and Sumo Adversary
- Double RP Playlists April 1-3: Sumo Adversary Modes
- Double RP Playlists April 4-5: Street Race curated playlists
- Double RP Playlists April 6-7: Street Races curated playlists (different set)
- All week: 25% off some modifications at Benny's
- 15% off all 10-car garage properties
- 30% off Machete, Machine Pistol, select clothing
Double RP in curated playlists:
- March 25-27: Street Races
- March 28-29: Air Races
- March 30-31: Sea Races
- 25% OffCoil Brawler, Progen T20, Invetero Coquette BlackFin and Dinka Vindicator, Lampadati Toro & mods
- 50% off clothing & tattoos from both Ill Gooten Gains Update Parts 1 and 2
- 50% off Knuckle Dusters
- March 18 - March 20th - Sumo: Double Cash & RP
- March 21 - All Contact Missions released with GTA Online: Lowriders grant Double Cash and RP
- Tuesday March 22 - Keep The Pace: Double Cash and RP
- Wednesday March 23 - Relay: Double Cash and RP
- Thursday March 24 - Offense Defense: Double Cash and RP
- 25% off all motorcycles
- 25% off all Properties with a 10 car garage.
- 50% off all rifle and shotgun ammo
- 75% off all Bobbleheads, Column Shift Levers, and Plaques at Benny's
- Double RP and GTA Cash for All Versus Missions
- 50% off Flight Suits and Flight Caps
- 25% off all Combat Helicopters, Private Jets, Automatic Rifles, Homing Missile Launchers and Homing Missile Ammunition
- New Rhino Hunt Adversary Mode, featuring Rhino Tank vs. Hunter Dune Buggy team action.
- Double RP in Til Death Do Us Part and Freemode Events
- Double cash and RP for seven days starting February 26
- 50% Off some Weapon attachments, rifle ammo, Heists tactical gear
- 25% Off Warstock Cache & Carry & Merryweather Services
Experience, RP, and dollar rewards for specific contact missions:
- Friday Feb 19: Double GTA Dollars and RP on all of Simeon's Contact Missions and Double GTA Dollars on Simeon's Import/Export requests
- Saturday Feb 20: Double GTA Dollars and RP on all of Ron's Contact Missions and 50% off all Blazers
- Sunday Feb 21: Double GTA Dollars and RP on all of Trevor's Contact Missions and 50% off Jerry Cans
- Monday Feb 22: Double GTA Dollars and RP on all of Martin's Contact Missions and 10% off Stilt Houses
- Tuesday Feb 23: Double GTA Dollars and RP on all of Lester's Contact Missions and 25% off Lester Services
- Wednesday Feb 24: Double GTA Dollars and RP on all of Gerald's Contact Missions and 50% off Micro SMGs and Machine Pistols
- Thursday Feb 25: Double GTA Dollars and RP on all Contact Missions in GTA Online
Also note that Rifle Ammo and Body Armor are half off this weekend, and Grenades and Sticky Bombs are a quarter off
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