The fear I always have with huge, almost impenetrably deep RPGs like Divinity: Original Sin is that their developer will start making the assumption that they’d sell more copies if they just made their game simpler. Larian Studios’ amazing take on the Baldur’s Gate formula was one complex beast, and I would have bet the farm that they’d “streamline” Divinity: Original Sin 2 to make it more palatable to a broader audience.
I would have lost a lot of money.
In what seems like a bold, even brazen move, Larian has doubled down with Original Sin 2, providing more ways to mold your character, more ways to get into trouble, and more ways to fight your way out of it.
Character creation and progression was one of the most satisfying elements of Original Sin, and the sequel only seems to strengthen it further. With the additions of different races and origin stories, you can now further specialize not only the stats and abilities that define your character, but their interactions and overall purpose within the world around them.
Races are mostly familiar Tolkien-isms, but with some neat twists. Elves, for instance, are capable of devouring the remains of their fallen foes so as to absorb some aspect of their abilities. This makes them somewhat ghoulish, even compared to characters of the Undead race, who come with the kinds of unique bonuses and penalties you might imagine. Breaking from the mold even more is a race of lizard men that start off with an impressively destructive fire-breathing ability. After being constrained to rolling human characters in Original Sin, these race options open up welcome new realms of possibility.
The idea of my character becoming an entirely different person over time is an enticing one.
The other big new piece of the character puzzle is the ability to choose pre-made origin stories. These named, ready-to-play characters all have their own history and quirks that play a major role in their interactions with others. NPCs that are insignificant to one origin story might be a long-lost lover or a hated rival to another. Origin-specific dialogue options and quest lines abound, and they often intersect and even conflict with one another. Since these origin characters exist in the world as potential party members if you don’t choose to play as one, internal strife can tear your party apart if you don’t manage everyone’s priorities accordingly.
But the way the world and your party members react to you isn’t just limited to what race or origin you play. Another new, more granular element is the Tags system. Tags are like descriptors that get applied to your character. Some of these are inherent when you create your character like “female” or “lizard,” but there are many others that you earn or lose based on your actions and decisions. What’s interesting about these is that they don’t necessarily cancel one another out. You could be both a “leader” and “treacherous” for instance; your character isn’t just “good” or “evil.” By the end of your journey, you may have collected a variety of different tags, all of which impact your abilities and how different people and factions in the world react to you. The system is full of potential to change and evolve over time. The idea of my character becoming a different kind of person over time through my decisions is an enticing one.
Let’s just be honest: anyone who played Original Sin for real stole every painting and gold-plated piece of china and cutlery that wasn’t bolted down to make ends meet, especially in the early game when money was hard to earn.
The world reacts in a much more dynamic way to theft and crime.
You can still do that, but the world reacts in a much more dynamic way to theft and crime in general. When someone notices something of theirs is missing, they will grow suspicious and find the nearest guard to investigate, and if none are around, they’ll do so themselves. At one point, after “borrowing” a Rain Scroll from a local, two guards strolled through to ask me if they could search my pack. I could allow it, resist it, try to talk my way out of it, fess up and give the item back, or even just try and fight the guards to get out of my jail time. It’s a far cry from the binary situation of simply being caught or not, and it provides even more opportunities for roleplaying.
Combat was quite dynamic in Original Sin, thanks to a wide array of different ways that different abilities interacted with one another and with the environment. Not only have the number of possibilities in battle expanded, but you can now face off against human opponents in the new multiplayer Arena mode.
These tactical duels play out in the same exact way as the turn-based combat in the single-player campaign. As fun as it it was to set up traps and elemental chain reactions against NPCs, it feels even better when pulled off against another person, and Original Sin 2 invites you to outsmart and overpower foes in a few new ways to boot.
For instance, some skills are now powered by Source energy, which (thanks to the events that closed Original Sin) is now a lot more prevalent in the world than before. Drops of source energy are spread across Arena maps, giving opponents specific areas to squabble over to secure as much of the valuable resource as possible. Source-powered skills are immensely powerful tide-turners, so securing this resource is a key to victory.
Strong positioning, and frugal management of your action points can certainly win you fights.
That said, strong positioning, and the frugal management of your action points can certainly win you fights, That, and of course, skillful manipulation of the elements, which was a hug part of Original Sin. New elements come into play now, such as bloody surfaces, and ability to either curse or bless any elemental surface to change its properties. Cursed fire, for instance, can’t be extinguished with water, whereas blessed fire actually heals those who stand in it over time. These are more than just tiny wrinkles: suddenly being engulfed in a field of fire is not only damaging, but highly disruptive to your party formation, so having the option to turn it into a boon with a single spell is a big deal. It should be interesting to see how these options play out, both in multiplayer, and during the main campaign.
It’s a little hard to tell how all of this will come together in the final product after playing a pre-alpha version, but the possibilities are all certainly there. More than anything, I’m just happy Larian is making a true sequel without any signs of watering it down. In a development climate in which everyone is seemingly obsessed with racing to the bottom to grab every sale they can, simply making a robust RPG strictly for RPG lovers is practically an act of protest. Viva la character sheet!
Vincent Ingenito is IGN's foremost fighting game nerd. Follow him on Twitter and tell him how terrible his Rashid is.
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