The world of Blade Runner is one full of futuristic cyberpunk technology, including lifelike androids, space travel and giant, holographic billboards. But there are a few pieces of modern technology that are strangely absent in this sci-fi universe. Namely, there are no cellphones and no Internet. That might seem like a strange omission in this day and age, but there are actually several reasons why the Blade Runner universe is missing those crucial pieces of technology.
The simplest explanation is that the original Blade Runner simply couldn't have predicted the ubiquitous nature of cellphones, the web and social media in the 21st century. Not only was that film released in 1982, it was based on a Philip K. Dick novel published in 1968. In some ways, Blade Runner was very prescient in envisioning the world as it would exist in 2019. The film predicted China's rise to become a global superpower, the nonstop sensory barrage that is modern advertising and the fact that humanity would increasingly have to deal with the effects of climate change. But in other ways, Blade Runner was way off the mark. Unless some big changes happen very quickly, we're not likely to have flying cars, androids and off-world colonies by the year 2019.
Obviously, there's only so much producer Ridley Scott and director Denis Villeneuve could have done to change things for the sequel. The original film established that, even in the year 2019, humans still rely on payphones to communicate with one another. Perhaps the sequel could have added cellphones into the mix, but their presence might have proven too distracting. Blade Runner is a neo-noir, at the end of the day, and there's a certain charm to the fact that some of its technological elements are weirdly archaic.
This also speaks to something Villeneuve said when he discussed the subject with CNET. Both Blade Runner and its sequel are detective movies. Having cellphones and a fully functional world wide web might make Deckard and Agent K's respective assignments easier to handle, but it wouldn't make for more compelling films. "The virtual world is a very powerful universe but is not necessarily very cinematic," said Villeneuve. "There's nothing more boring than a detective behind the keyboard looking at Google."
Another reason for the lack of cellphones is that human civilization in Blade Runner 2049 is in a very precarious state. The film makes several allusions to "the blackout," an event that caused a worldwide power outage in 2022 and led to the erasure of nearly every digital record in existence. That event is explored in greater depth in the short prequel film "Blade Runner 2022", where we learn that a group of Nexus 8 Replicants stole and detonated an EMP bomb. Even if humanity did have cellphones and the Internet before, that act surely would have wiped out those networks and severely damaged whatever infrastructure was in place.
Furthermore, it's pretty clear that humanity is in no shape to be building and maintaining a worldwide information network in the year 2049. The film makes it obvious that the environment is in very sorry shape by the mid-21st century. Los Angeles is little more than a massive, neon-drenched, rain-soaked ghetto. Other parts of the US are a barren desert. Humanity can only feed itself because of the vast synthetic farms created by the Wallace Corporation. It's not even clear whether a planet with such widespread environmental devastation could support something like a cellphone network in the first place. Blade Runner 2049 showed us the sorry state Las Vegas is in after being (apparently) nuked, abandoned and left to be swallowed up by the rapidly encroaching desert.
Finally, with so many of humanity's wealthy elite fleeing the planet for the off-world colonies, companies like Wallace Corp. may not have much incentive to create cellphone-like devices in the first place. As we saw in the film, K was one of the lucky few to have a real roof over his head and a few creature comforts to enjoy, but many LA residents are reduced to begging and scrounging. For most people in the Blade Runner universe, cellphones and the internet simply aren't a high priority.
Jesse is a mild-mannered writer for IGN. Allow him to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket by following @jschedeen on Twitter, or Kicksplode on MyIGN.
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