vendredi 2 septembre 2016

Jessica Jones Starts Her New Comic In a Bad Place

AKA she's back and badder than ever.

When writer Brian Michael Bendis first talked about launching a new Jessica Jones comic book series, he said it would start with Jessica Jones in a bad place. With the first completed pages from the upcoming first issue debuting here on IGN, we now see just what he was talking about.

Warning: beware spoilers for Jessica Jones #1!

Art by David Mack. Marvel Comics.

Art by David Mack. Marvel Comics.

For the new series, Bendis is joined by artist and Jessica Jones co-creator Michael Gaydos, and Gaydos’ first artwork from Jessica Jones #1 shows that Jessica was locked up in prison. More specifically, the super-villain prison on Ryker's Island known as the Cellar.

"We're going to open up a book where Jessica's world has blown up in her face,” Bendis told us in an interview back in July when this new comic was first announced. “She's at a place you'll least expect her. You're going to find all of her relationships have altered. And we're slowly going to find out why. I do like writing Jessica where we have to figure out why this has happened,”

Art by Michael Gaydos. Marvel Comics.

Art by Michael Gaydos. Marvel Comics.

Art by Michael Gaydos. Marvel Comics.

Art by Michael Gaydos. Marvel Comics.

Being a private investigator, a member of the Avengers, and wife to superhero Luke Cage, it’s hard to imagine what she could have done to wind up in the slammer, let alone one built specifically for especially nasty bad guys. Then again, Jessica’s bad attitude and dry wit have often landed her in trouble, and she’s stubborn enough to never back down, even when doing the right thing will put her in hot water.

However, the third and final page of the preview contains an interesting wrinkle.

Art by Michael Gaydos. Marvel Comics.

Art by Michael Gaydos. Marvel Comics.

After jumping (or falling with style) across the water, a crowd of civilians recognize her and show off their pearly whites. That’s right, they’re all smiling at Jessica Jones. Whatever she did, it ticked off someone with enough power to lock her up, but it also seems to have made her a public hero -- or at least that's our best guess.

What are your theories? Why do you think Jessica Jones went to prison? And why are those people so happy to see her? Let us know in the comments!

Jessica Jones #1 still doesn’t have a release date but will hit in early October.

Finally, we’ll leave you with a variant cover for the first issue by frequent Bendis collaborator Alex Maleev.

Art by Alex Maleev. Marvel Comics.

Art by Alex Maleev. Marvel Comics.

Joshua is IGN’s Comics Editor. If Pokemon, Green Lantern, or Game of Thrones are frequently used words in your vocabulary, you’ll want to follow him on Twitter @JoshuaYehl and IGN.

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