samedi 3 septembre 2016

6 New TV Shows We're Excited For

From Westworld to The Good Place to Luke Cage, here are six new TV series we have high hopes for in the long term.

Our full Fall TV Preview posted recently, and as you can see looking it over, there is a ton of shows to choose from in the weeks and months to come. But among the new series, which stand out the most? We've had the chance to see many of the upcoming series (or, at the least, the first episode), and selected a few that we think have a lot of promise.

We all know good shows can start out bad, and bad shows can start out strong, but as the premieres for these series approach, here are 6 series we're hopeful for in the long term.

Westworld (HBO)

Premiere: 10/02/16

J.J. Abrams and Jonathan Nolan's last collaboration brought us the excellent Person of Interest, so we're instantly intrigued by the two teaming up again, joined by Lisa Joy (Burn Notice), for this adaptation of the 1973 film from Jurassic Park author Michael Crichton about a different kind of theme park gone wrong experience. The cast (including Anthony Hopkins, Jeffrey Wright, Evan Rachel Wood, James Marsden, Jimmi Simpson and Shannon Woodward) is top notch and having seen the first two episodes, we're already fascinated by this depiction of a picture perfect recreation of the wild west, populated by robots - and what happens when they begin to behave in ways their makers don't expect.

Marvel's Luke Cage (Netflix)

Airs On: Netflix

Premiere: 9/30/16

So far, Marvel and Netflix are two for two with their great Daredevil and Jessica Jones series, so this is an easy sell. Mike Colter already proved to be a charming and formidable Luke in his supporting role in Jessica Jones, and it's exciting to see this iconic superhero finally take centerstage. Add in the first live-action incarnation of Marvel's Misty Knight (Simone Missick) and two terrific actors playing Luke's enemies (Mahershala Ali and Alfre Woodard) and you have all the ingredients for another success.

Designated Survivor (ABC)

Premiere: 9/21/16

Kiefer Sutherland's new series stands out as the most ambitious of the new fall drama series on the network, and certainly boasts a much different tone from anything else coming to ABC. The concept, which finds Sutherland's low level Cabinet member, Tom Kirkman, named President of the United States, after a horrible attack leaves him as the highest ranking person left, is compelling and the pilot does a strong job setting up the story. The series looks like it will alternate between showing the out of his depth Kirkman try to adjust to his new position, while an investigation (led by Maggie Q's FBI agent, Hannah Wells) continues into who was behind the attack. So far, we want to see more.

Read IGN's review of the Designated Survivor pilot.

Son of Zorn (FOX)

Airs On: FOX

Premiere: 9/11/16

This very out-there live-action/animation hybrid comedy is produced, of course, by Chris Miller and Phil Lord, the guys behind The LEGO Movie, the 21 Jump Street movie, The Last Man on Earth -- and soon, the young Han Solo movie -- who have become the masters of taking questionable concepts and making them work. This time out, they've got a series, created by Reed Agnew and Eli Jorne, about an animated warrior (think He-Man or Thundarr) who also has a very human ex-wife (Cheryl Hines) and son (Johnny Pemberton) and ends up taking a mundane office job. The pilot establishes the show's outlandish tone and the bravado of Zorn (voiced by Jason Sudeikis) dealing with his family, along with his ex's new finance (Tim Meadows, perfectly deadpanning, per usual). This may be an odd fit for a network series -- Adult Swim would seem the more natural home for something like this -- but in Lord and Miller we trust.

Atlanta (FX)

Premiere: 9/06/16

Donald Glover created, executive produces and stars in his first series since Community, playing a very down on his luck guy who sees his first opportunity in a long time when he discovers his cousin (Brian Tyree) is a talented rapper and signs on as his manager. In the spirit of FX's own Louie and other comedy/drama hybrids, Atlanta veers from outlandish comedic moments to sequences that feel very real and poignant, especially in its depiction of a man with barely any money trying to get by and support his family. Portions of this series are likely quietier than some would prefer, but others will be quite engaged by the thoughtful and funny Atlanta.

The Good Place (NBC)

Premiere: 9/19/16

Former The Office writer turned Parks and Recreation and Brooklyn Nine-Nine co-creator Mike Schur launches his latest comedy series with The Good Place - a show with a notably big concept for a network half hour comedy. Kristen Bell stars as a woman who dies and finds herself in "The Good Place" - the area of the afterlife you hope to be in, vs. the alternative. But as it turns out, she shouldn't be there at all, given her less than stellar behavior during her life. Bell and Ted Danson (as her guide to the Good Place) are as great as you'd expect from such talented TV pros and Schur brings his usual strong wit to this more metaphysical setting. Given Schur's track record -- not to mention those lead actors -- we're excited for where The Good Place might take us.

Read IGN's review of The Good Place pilot.

Eric Goldman is Executive Editor of IGN TV. You can follow him on Twitter at @TheEricGoldman, IGN at ericgoldman-ign and Facebook at

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