dimanche 4 septembre 2016

27 Essential Tips for the Battlefield 1 Beta

This page contains Tips, Tricks and Strategies for the Battlefield 1 open beta.

These tips, while specific to the beta currently in progress through Monday, 9/5, should also be applicable in the final game when it releases on October 21st.

To get into the beta on PS4, Xbox One and PC, launch the appropriate marketplace (PSN / Xbox / Origin store) and search for Battlefield 1 Open Beta.

These strategies can be used on almost any map in any game mode. They are sound tactics for series newcomers and veterans alike.

Find one of the three Elite Class pickups to gain bonus abilities and unlock powerful new weapons. You can find their locations for each game mode here.

In addition to your class loadouts, did you know that you can also customize and upgrade the vehicles you spawn in?

When at the Deployment screen, select a vehicle option and open the customization menu to see the different packages you can deploy for each vehicle.

From the main menu, navigate to "More" and then the "Options" tab. Under the "Gameplay" menu, scroll down to Kill Log and set it to On.

This will show you the constantly-updating ticker of who kills who and with what, which is useful in several ways:

  • You know if that sniper or gunner who killed you last time is still active, or if you've been avenged and can pass that area unmolested.
  • If you notice someone you just passed or saw die, this is a good indicator to prepare for a firefight.
  • You'll have a decent idea of how many / what types of enemy vehicles are currently in the field.

While the "Skip Revive" option may seem like it's getting you back in the action faster, the downtime between lives is actually the same.

The only thing you're accomplishing by selecting that option is ensuring you won't be revived by another player.

When not in a vehicle, it's best to stay in cover whenever possible. While especially true when attempting to push towards an objective, this is a good all-around practice since talented snipers can easily pick you off from a distance.

You can increase the rank of each class (Assault, Medic, Support, Scout) and unlock new weapons and items for purchase in the Customization window.

You'll only earn ClassXP while playing as an infantry member (i.e. not in a vehicle), so stick to objective play in order to maximize your XP gains (capturing/ defending / destroying objectives is worth bonus experience).

NOTE: There is currently a bug in the beta that you will only earn class-specific experience during your first match on a server, so until it's fixed be sure to swap servers after every match. Unfortunately it also seems possible you may experience a bug that prohibits you from earning any class experience during the beta.

If there are no enemies nearby, use your Bayonet Charge to cover long distances faster than you normally would. If there are enemies nearby, cover long distances and then stab somebody.

Whether in Conquest or on the offensive in Rush, there are always multiple paths to each objective. Avoid running straight into a meat grinder when there are other options for more covert access to your objectives.

Teamwork is important - and not just for characters in 90's sports comedies. On the battlefield, you'll need to constantly work together with other players to ensure victory for your team. Joining a squad not only lets you spawn near your teammates (often closer to objectives), but being in a squad offers a more focused gameplay experience as well. Squad Leaders (good ones, anyway) will continuously send orders to their subordinates, which helps keeps your team focused on keeping the opposing side at bay.

Whether on voice chat or through the in-game communications system, pay attention to what your teammates are in need of. Similarly, you can call out to them for first aid, resupply or back when you find yourself in a dire situation.

Instead of choosing a class based on what gun you like best (though that is a factor), keep in mind that each class has specific gadgets for a reason. The Medic has adrenaline shots to revive team members, and the Support class has ammo packs to refill their allies ammo bags.

Performing class-specific actions will not only help level up that class, but your player level as a whole. Plus, your teammates will like you a lot more than if you just run off into the desert alone.

This section covers tips and tricks for the Conquest game mode, where two teams compete to capture as many control points as possible.

While everyone focuses on control points B, C and D in the center of the map, don't forget to swing around to control points further out, like A, E or G.

You'll get more points towards your player level for capturing multiple objectives that you would for getting a few paltry kills here and there.

If you happen to be on a team that is suffering a considerable defeat, your army commanders will occasionally deploy an Armored Train (equipped with six heavy gunner stations) as a way to turn the tide.

It is unknown what specific conditions trigger the locomotive's appearance, but it seems to be roughly halfway through a match when one team is losing by a considerable margin.

If the enemy team deploys an armored train, pull out some dynamite or anti-tank / H.E. mines and lay them along the track.

The train will be unable to avoid the mines, which will make quick work of the turrets on board.

If you happen to be in a match where a sandstorm occurs, count yourself lucky and use it as cover. Play as an Assault, Medic or Support class and use the near-zero visibility to maneuver around and capture points without fear of snipers or air support.

Sandstorms also provide excellent cover to track down and destroy heavy vehicles or artillery trucks, as their drivers will be easily disoriented in the storm.

Nobody likes to get killed, but use the down time you have before redeploying to formulate a goal and a plan before jumping back into the action. It's a lot easier to succeed when you know exactly what it is you want.

Since the Sinai Desert map is so large, use the southern sea of sand to get behind your enemies and initiate a surprise attack from the rear.

This section covers tips and tricks for the Rush game mode, where one team must defend objectives against an attacking team that is attempting to destroy multiple objectives.

For Defending team members, activating the objectives will send airstrike coordinates to their superiors - this helps delay the need for retreat every few minutes.

As the attacker, running straight up the middle of the attack lane is almost guaranteed suicide. While still coordinating with your squad and team, try to covertly make your way towards objectives without being noticed.

Gas grenades are your friend in Rush mode, whether you're on offense or defense. They can easily be used to clear an objective area of any defenders, or scatter/kill attackers trying to arm a bomb.

While you can have several players in a squad at once, when attempting to advance on an objective in Rush mode it's usually best to travel in groups of no more than three. This ensures you're able to cover your allies, but also that your team won't lose momentum if your whole group bites the big one.

EditFall Back and Prepare

Once one of your sectors is lost, don't waste time running around trying to score an extra kill here or there - fall back to your next encampment and set traps for the other team before they have the chance to advance on you.

It's possible to swap your basic loadout for much more powerful weapons. There are three confirmed Elite Classes, all of which can be found around the Sinai Desert map in the BF1 beta.

The Flame Trooper, predictably, uses a flamethrower to spread fire and brimstone across a map. Complete with flame-resistant (note: not fireproof) gear and incendiary grenades, this is an excellent EC for close-to-mid range encounters, especially in areas without much open space.

Sinai Desert Locations:

  • Conquest: Next to the two-story building at the western side of the Objective B (Outskirts).
  • Rush: Next to a rocky outcropping in the middle of the area between the Attacker spawn area and Sector 1.

Equipped with an MG08 LMG and armor plating for additional damage protection, this kit is a solo suppression machine. Fire in short bursts to ensure the water-cooling system doesn't overheat, and consider remaining at medium-range from targets for optimal effects.

Sinai Desert Locations:

  • Conquest: In the trench beneath the camo netting at Objective F (Ammo Depot).
  • Rush: Next to (another) rocky structure in the center of the open space between Sector 1 and Sector 2.

The TH kit sports a 1918 Tankgewehr anti-vehicle sniper rifle, which can be used on tanks, trucks or airplanes. While it can disable a small vehcile in a single shot, this is best used to support friendly anti-tank units. It's powerful rounds can damage or even destroy specific parts of larger tanks, such as gun mounts or treads.

Sinai Desert Locations:

  • Conquest: In the center depot area of Objective E.
  • Rush: In the path through the northern chasm between Sector 3 and Sector 4 (Objective F/C in Conquest).

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