lundi 27 février 2017

12 Launch Titles Confirmed Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch Launch Titles list features both the Nintendo Switch Games available on launch day (March 3rd, 2017) and in the launch "window" (usually meaning within the first three months following launch day).

Games might be added, moved or removed according to any new release date information. Please check this article regularly to keep yourself updated of any possible changes.

The following games are confirmed to be available to purchase the day that the Nintendo Switch launches in March - and whether they are retail or digital/e-shop only.

The following games below have been confirmed ONLY for Japan on March 3rd, in addition to the games listed above. While they may not be initially available in the US, they can still be played thanks to and end of Nintendo's region locking

This is the list of games planned to launch for the Nintendo Switch between Day 1 and the end of June – the "launch window" or until the end of the third fiscal quarter.

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