This resurrection will take some time.
Two issues in, it's beginning to seem like there's a fundamental flaw with Phoenix Resurrection. The story of how Jean Grey comes back to life is inherently less compelling than what happens after her return. Death and resurrection are built into Jean's world. So it is that Phoenix Resurrection is reading less like a momentous event for the X-Men line and more like a placeholder for X-Men Red. It's just as well Marvel is publishing this comic weekly.
As with issue #1, the scenes focused on the X-Men at large are far less memorable than those geared towards Jean herself. There's too little impetus to the X-Men's struggle. Once again, they spend the issue blindly flailing about and struggling to arrive at the conclusion that readers already know full well - that Jean Grey has returned. Once again, the X-Men split into smaller groups and travel to various global hotspots, but to even less purpose this time around. Writer Matthew Rosenberg doesn't spend enough time with any of these teams to be able to take advantage of their various group dynamics.
It really feels like this book would have been better off with a much smaller cast, one comprising X-Men who were intimately familiar with Jean and have a vested interest in bringing her back. But this series doesn't even attempt to include characters like Young Jean or Emma Frost. Granted, this issue at least explains their absence, which is more than can be said for issue #1, but that doesn't change the fact that Phoenix Resurrection is wasting a wealth of good character-building opportunity.
At least the Jean scenes are there to provide the more intimate, emotionally charged moments the X-Men material can't. It's fascinating to follow this version of Jean, one whose quiet, idyllic existence is beginning to come apart. The question of just how "real" these scenes are is every bit as paramount as it was in issue #1. The surreal interplay between the real world and Jean's suburban bubble only makes her struggle more memorable. Hopefully this series will improve as the two halves begin to collide more directly.
Happily, this issue improves on the first when it comes to art quality. Leinil Yu was never an ideal choice for a book that's driven more by dialogue than action. Carlos Pacheco's style is comparatively more subtle, and thus a better fit. This still isn't the most visually dynamic X-book on the stands by any means, but Pacheco's sleek character designs stand out regardless. And Rosenberg's script does allow for one moment of crazy mutant action. Rachelle Rosenberg's vibrant colors also complement Pacheco's pencils nicely. That's often been the biggest X-factor with Pacheco's Marvel work, so it's nice to see him paired with such a strong collaborator here.
The Verdict
Phoenix Resurrection isn't turning out to be the shot in the arm the X-Men franchise needs. This chapter is again bogged down by dull ensemble scenes that seem to accomplish little beyond prolonging Jean's return. Jean's personal storyline fares better at least, and this issue is more satisfying from a visual perspective. Even so, it's hard not to yearn for the story after this story instead.
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