jeudi 27 juillet 2017

Comic Book Reviews for July 26, 2017

Go Go Power Rangers... back to school.

It was another big week of comics, even as the industry recovered from the insanity that is Comic-Con. DC delivered pivotal new chapters of books like The Flash, Action Comics and Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps. Marvel kept the Secret Empire train rolling and kicked off a prequel to Telltale's Guardians of the Galaxy game. Oni Press gave us the comic book sequel to Rick and Morty's "Interdimensional Cable" episodes. And Boom Studios launched their second monthly Power Rangers comic.

Scroll down to check out our reviews for these and various other new releases, and be sure to let us know your favorite books of the week in the comments below.

Action Comics #984

Written by Dan Jurgens | Drawn by Patch Zircher

After a dip in the art quality with the last issue, the final part of the “Revenge” storyline gets a boost with artist Patch Zircher. Jack Herbert’s issues were still the best parts of this arc, but Zircher is more than capable of delivering the visual punch that this book needed. There’s not a lot of flash in Zircher’s style here, but it’s the perfect approach for the oldest of old-school superhero books. The Superman family and their enemies look great throughout the issue. Unfortunately, Jurgens’ tale loses the momentum of its early chapters as the anti-Superman group inevitably turn on each other in somewhat contrived ways. These evil geniuses actually seem to have gotten dumber as the arc progressed, until they're finally fighting each other on the cusp of their mutual victory. That really lets the heroes off too easily, and it’s disappointing that the much-hyped Superman family vs. the Revenge Squad fight doesn’t amount to more than a few pages. “Revenge” started out as a potentially classic Superman story, but it ultimately fell short of greatness. -Blair

Final Score:

All-Star Batman #12

Written by Scott Snyder w/ Rafael Albuquerque & Rafael Scavone | Drawn by Rafael Albuquerque w/ Sebastian Fiumara

“As of this moment, you have a new captain... Captain Batman.” Well, no one can say that Scott Snyder isn’t having fun with one of his final issues on this book. But it’s really a showcase for Rafael Albuquerque as an artist and a co-writer in the backup tale. Albuquerque’s pages flow incredibly well, and he’s also telling a strong story in just a few pages with his co-writer, Rafael Scavone. That story probably deserved its own arc in All-Star Batman, instead of splitting time with “The First Ally.” It still seems like Snyder can’t resist inventing new layers for Alfred’s backstory, and his latest origin is definitely one of the more over-the-top takes. That said, Snyder really gets the Alfred and Bruce dynamic, and their scenes together really shine. That relationship is carrying the heart of this book, and making it worth reading. But a strong conclusion from the closing chapter would be greatly appreciated. -Blair

Final Score:

Batman/The Shadow #4

Written by Steve Orlando & Scott Snyder | Drawn by Riley Rossmo

One of the main reasons that this crossover has been so much fun is that the Shadow and Batman play like a natural team, even if the Dark Knight isn’t exactly a fan of the man who claims to be one of his mentors. The early part of this issue has a very clever visual gag as the Joker’s maniacal laugh gives way to the Shadow’s infamous laughter. Artist Riley Rossmo also deserves a lot of credit for making that work, and his pages are very vibrant. Because this issue pits the Shadow and Batman against some of Gotham City’s deadliest villains, it plays more like a concluding chapter. That may be why the cliffhanger ending feels so tacked-on. This tale could have ended with four issues, but I’m eager to see where Steve Orlando and Scott Snyder take us in the remaining two issues. -Blair

Final Score:

Detective Comics #961

Written by James Tynion IV | Drawn by Alvaro Martinez

I can’t talk about the best aspect of Detective Comics #961, because it gives away the final page reveal. But it’s an unexpectedly welcome return to something that’s pretty much straight from the ‘90s. “Intelligence” hasn’t been quite as compelling with Azrael’s side of the story as it has been with Batman and Zatanna’s mutual history. In this issue, we finally see the incident that they referred to in the previous chapters, and it also reveals that Bruce Wayne met one of his mortal enemies at least a decade or two earlier than even he thought. It’s also worth noting that the Obeah Man was mentioned in a way that suggests we’ll be seeing him soon. Alvaro Martinez has really come along in this book, and his flashback sequence with Bruce and Zatanna is particularly well drawn. Martinez’s action scenes are also exciting, and his rendition of the last page should have some fans very excited to see what the next issue has in store for Batman’s extended family. -Blair

Final Score:

Doom Patrol #7

Written by Gerard Way | Drawn by Mike Allred

Doom Patrol is back following a brief hiatus, and the wait was well worth it. This issue manages that delicate task of honoring the franchise's roots while looking ahead to the future. Gerard Way and guest artist Mike Allred pay tribute to the Silver Age Doom Patrol era as they bring Niles Caulder back into the fold and send this fledgling new team on a strange, mind-bending journey. It really does play like a lost Silver Age adventure in many respects, one that isn't afraid to get weird and constantly shift from one beat to the next. And it's a story very much in Allred's wheelhouse. His vibrant, eye-popping imagery and confident line-work pair as wonderfully as ever with Laura Martin's colors, creating a very attractive and psychedelic whole. But what satisfies most about this issue is the way Gerard Way cuts to the dysfunction and sadness at the root of the team. He's not setting out to merely reunite the old gang under their old leader, but show the need for this new incarnation of the Doom Patrol to chart their own course. -Jesse

Final Score:

The Flash #27

Written by Joshua Williamson | Drawn by Paul Pelletier & Howard Porter

One thing that is immediately clear in The Flash #27 is just how valuable Paul Pelletier really is. His pages have the power and the visual appeal that the last few issues have been missing. Pelletier’s work is so strong that he almost singlehandedly saved this storyline. He’s simply a more exciting artist than Howard Porter, whose pages close out the issue. As for the rest of it, Joshua Williamson has worn out the Reverse-Flash’s welcome by using him for the last two major arcs in this series. By the time this issue reveals why Reverse-Flash spends so much time tormenting Barry Allen, it’s simply too little, too late. Even the so-called "final fate" of the character feels like something that could easily be reversed on a whim. Williamson’s take on Barry Allen doesn’t even live up to his own ideals, and it’s impossible to forget what a moron Barry has been in this story. Aside from Pelletier’s art, this was very unsatisfying. -Blair

Final Score:

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #25

Written by Robert Venditti | Drawn by Ethn Van Sciver

It should surprise no one that Ethan Van Sciver absolutely kills it on the artwork in this issue. We’ve said it many times before, but he’s simply one of the best Green Lantern artists and the book really comes to life with his pencils. Van Sciver gives this issue all of the epic visuals that anyone could ask for, but there’s only so much an artist can do to salvage a story. Robert Venditti had a very intriguing take on the Green Lantern Corps’ partnership with the Sinestro Corps, one which he seemed eager to destroy within the last few issues. That destruction finally comes in this issue, but not in a satisfying manner. The heel turn in this issue felt so forced that I kept waiting for the inevitable reveal that the person in question was being mind-controlled. That moment never came, which means that we’re expected to believe in this massive change-of-heart despite it flying in the face of all previous characterizations for this Lantern. That is pretty hard to swallow, and it detracts from the overall reading experience. -Blair

Final Score:

Suicide Squad #22

Written by Rob Williams | Drawn by Agustin Padilla

It's an unpredictable time for the Suicide Squad, with Amanda Waller a prisoner of The People and Harley Quinn leading her increasingly dysfunctional team into a very dangerous mission. This issue succeeds in highlighting the various clashes of personality as Waller fights for her life, Enchantress lashes out at her teammates, a traitor stands revealed and Harley quietly arranges chess pieces from the background. That last element is arguably the most compelling element of this arc, though also its biggest disappointment because of Rob Williams' refusal to explore her mindset and motivations very deeply. Still, the general team dynamic is enjoyable, and this issue packs in several great, emotionally charged scenes. The art also marks an improvement over issue #21, though this arc still falls short of the standard set by previous storylines. Agustin Padilla brings a nice horror movie vibe to the shadow-drenched Waller scenes and an energy to the Squad's mission. However, his figures aren't quite as defined as they need to be. -Jesse

Final Score:


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