lundi 2 avril 2018

Frank Miller's 300 Prequel Is (Finally) Coming Out This Week

Xerxes has arrived.

With dozens of comic books to choose from, let us show you which are the best coming out this week. Take a look at this list spotlighting our favorite comics that we know are money-well-spent and new books that look cool and are backed by some top-tier talent.

Once you check out our picks, head to the comments to let us know what you’ll be buying this week!

Xerxes: The Fall of the House of Darius and the Rise of Alexander #1 - $4.99

By Frank Miller (Dark Horse Comics)

After what feels like millennia after it was first announced, Frank Miller is publishing his prequel to 300 featuring the story’s larger-than-life antagonist, (deep breath) Xerxes: The Fall of the House of Darius and the Rise of Alexander. This five-issue miniseries, written and drawn by Miller, features 30-page issues and will be printed in deluxe format in order to showcase those epic splash pages that made 300 such a violent delight.

Deathstroke #30 - $3.99

Writer Christopher Priest | Artist Carlo Pagulayan | Cover Lee Weeks (DC Comics)

It’s hard to think of two characters who are better match for one another than Batman and Deathstroke. Each character is a master in a dozen fighting styles, has access to vast weapons and resources, and always show up to a fight prepared. This six-part “Deathstroke vs. Batman” storyline sees Batman learn that he isn’t the biological father of Damian Wayne and that Deathstroke is the real father. (Someone call Maury!) No need to fret over whether we’ll ever see Deathstroke and Batman go at it as rumored for the next Batman movie, you’ve got everything you need right here.

All-New Wolverine #33 - $3.99

Writer Tom Taylor | Artist Ramon Rosanas | Cover David Lopez (Marvel Comics)

This issue sees the start of Laura’s storyline inspired by “Old Man Logan,” except her future is a whole lot brighter than his. “Old Woman Laura” will see what life is like in the far future where things actually turned out for the better. But even though Laura is sitting pretty as the Queen of Madripoor, a certain evil force from the past will cause her to suit up once more as Wolverine so she can stab it and go back to sipping Mai Tais in her utopia.

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