jeudi 27 juillet 2017

Overwatch: Everything You Need to Know About Doomfist

The latest hero to be added to Overwatch is Doomfist. He is a close range brawler, designed to jump into the middle of a fight and punch his enemies into submission.

Doomfist is primarily an Offense hero. He is built so that he can leap into the middle of combat and lay waste to his enemies. Skill timing is very important for him, as each time he uses an ability he generates a small shield to protect him. This makes him great during offensive pushes and attacks, as he can sustain himself for a long time through the use of this shield.

Real Name Akande Ogundimu
Age 45
Occupation Mercenary
Base of Operations Oyo, Nigeria
Affiliation Talon
Gameplay Difficulty Hard

Hand Cannon: Doomfist fires a short-range burst from the knuckles of his fist. It's ammunition is automatically regenerated over a short time. This attack has a very short range, so make sure to get in nice and close or else you're just wasting ammo. You also only have 4 shots until the ammo has regenerated.

Seismic Slam: Doomfist leaps forward and smashes into the ground, knocking nearby enemies towards him. The area affected is a cone in front of him, so make sure to line up a few enemies in a row to maximize effectiveness.

Rising Uppercut: Doomfist uppercuts enemies in front of him into the air. This skill should be used in conjunction with Seismic Slam to maximize it's effectiveness. This also renders most enemies unable to move while airborne, so it's great for stunning enemies briefly.

Rocket Punch: After charging up, Doomfist lunges forward and knocks an enemy back, dealing additional damage if they impact a wall. This is best used in close quarters, or to launch enemies off ledges and cliffs.

The Best Defense: Doomfist generates temporary personal shiels when he deals ability damage. This shield allows you to survive a lot of damage, but you must always be using your skills to generate it, meaning you should always be using them! Shield is only generated if your attack hits an enemy, and the shield maxes out at 400.

Meteor Strike: Doomfist leaps into the sky, then crashes to the ground, dealing significant damage. This is a great combo skill with other characters like Zarya or Mei.

Below are some tips for both playing as and killing Doomfist.

  • Doomfist relies on combos. Leap into combat, use Seismic Slam, then Rising Uppercut, all while shooting your enemy with your Hand Cannon.
  • Doomfist is surprisingly mobile. His Rocket Punch can be used as a quick dash and his Uppercut can be used to quickly gain a few extra feet of elevation. Use this to get yourself into interesting positions.
  • Meteor Strike does a ton of damage. It takes a second to go off though, so try to use a stun before hand. Reinhardt smashing the ground, Mei freezing them or Zarya pulling them all in are great openers.
  • Doomfist is self sufficient because of his shield, but that doesn't make him immortal. You need to always be attacking to keep your shield up, and be tactical about where and when you attack.
  • Thanks to his shield, he is quite good at dealing with enemies who attack slowly. This is because you are generating shield faster than the enemy can cut through it. That said, people with rapid fire like Tracer can whittle down his shield rather quickly.
  • A clear counter to him is Sombra. He relies very heavily on his skills, so hacking him will turn him into an easily killable target.
  • Fast attackers can chew through his shield, making fast attacking people like Tracer or Soldier: 76 good at dealing with him.
  • Due to his mobility, anyone that can slow him down or stop him is highly valuable. Although risky, Mei can quickly kill him if she gets the icey drop on him.
  • Long range attackers might seem useless, but his base health pool isn't that high. A watchful sniper can hit him before he has any shields up and easily kill him.

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