jeudi 18 mai 2017

Injustice 2: How to Unlock Every Premiere Skin

In Injustice 2, the addition of Premiere Skins replace what would normally be unlockable characters (excluding Braniac - who is unlocked by beating the story).

These character skins are more than just gear - as they are a a full suit of gear that alters the character into a completely different hero or villain that shares that character's base moves. For instance, those who enjoy playing Supergirl can an unlock a premire skin for Power Girl - who looks different, but fights the same as Supergirl.

Premiere Skins are hard to come by, as currently there are only seven - and only a few can be unlocked by multiple means. All Premiere Skins can be purchased using Source Crystals.

Source Crystals are a special type of currency unrelated to credits, and are obtained much more rarely. You will also need a total of 6,000 Source Crystals to unlock each skin - but note that Source Crystals can be used for other things - like leveling up a character to rank 20 once you've done it for one character on your own.

There are a few Premiere Skins that can also be unlocked through other methods - which include DLC, linking your game to the mobile version, or owning the Ultimate Edition of Injustice 2.

Below you will find a list of each Premiere Skin, and how you can unlock it.

The Golden Age Flash is one of two premiere skins for The Flash. This character is based off the original iteration of the iconic speedster known as Jay Garrick - complete with his classic winged helmet.

To unlock this premiere skin, you will need 6,000 Source Crystals.

Grid is a premiere skin for Cyborg. The skin is based off a sentient robot villain created from Cyborg himself, and his look gives him a more sinister vibe.

To unlock this premiere skin, you will only have to link your Injustice 2 game to the Injustice 2 mobile game - no Source Crystals required!

John Stewart is a premiere skin for Green Lantern, as the skin itself is based off of one of the other humans to take up the call as Green Lantern - the man who took the ring after Hal Jordan (and gained popularity in The Justice League Animated Series).

To unlock this premiere skin, you will either need to own the Ultimate Edition to instantly unlock him, or spend 6,000 Source Crystals.

Mister Freeze is a premiere skin for Captain Cold. While Captain Cold gave one of The Flash's lesser-known villains a chance to shine, Mister Freeze is based off of Batman's chilly foe, as both characters favor the cold.

To unlock this premiere skin, you will need 6,000 Source Crystals.

Power Girl is a premiere skin for Supergirl. Powergirl is widely known as the Earth-Two version of Supergirl, and is a very different take on the super powered heroine, though they both share abilities that made Power Girl a great premiere skin.

To unlock this premiere skin, you will either need to own the Ultimate Edition to instantly unlock her, purchase the Fighter Pack 1 DLC, or spend 6,000 Source Crystals if you are not interested in purchasing DLC content.

The Reverse-Flash is the second of two premiere skins for The Flash. This color-swapped arch-nemesis of The Flash has appeared in comics, animated movies, and even TV Shows, and is the perfect foil to the red speedster.

To unlock this premiere skin, you will need to either own the Ultimate Edition of the game, or buy the skin for 6,000 Source Crystals.

Vixen is a premiere skin for Cheetah. A member of the Justice League, Vixen uses the powers of the animal kingdom to fight crime, thanks to a magical totem. Since then, she's even appeared in animated series, and in TV Shows (and her character is voiced by her TV counterpart, Megalyn Echikunwoke).

To unlock this premiere skin, you will need to purchase it for 6,000 Source Crystals.

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