mardi 23 mai 2017

Agents of SHIELD: Season 4 Review


SHIELD's best season yet.

Full spoilers for Marvel's Agents of SHIELD continue below.

With its fourth season, Marvel's Agents of SHIELD is the best it's ever been, maturing as a show and learning the right lessons from what's come before.

Network scheduling shifts prompted some of the best creative changes for the series, with its move back to 10 p.m. allowing for darker tones and story material, and multiple breaks throughout the year inspiring the writers to lean into a three-pod format. Because of those two key changes, Agents of SHIELD was able to dig deeper into its introduction of Ghost Rider and exploration of artificial intelligence, to successful results.

Season 4 was broken into three pods tied together by the central plot device of the Darkhold: "Ghost Rider," which introduced Robbie Reyes and his conflict with his Uncle Eli; "L.M.D.," which saw Radcliffe and AIDA's experiments with artificial intelligence take a dark turn when the Darkhold became involved; and "Agents of Hydra," which threw SHIELD's agents into an alternate reality that they needed to escape. Each was more successful than the pod that came before, with the arrival in the Framework being the strongest arc of the season.

The pod format helped tighten the season and give it a stronger throughline; while Agents of SHIELD tends to do a great job sticking its respective premieres/finales (and midseason premieres/finales), it sometimes gets lost in the stretches of episodes in between as it attempts to keep the momentum of the season up and keep the audience guessing. Having less time between each big shift in the season made for a tighter story overall.

Agents of SHIELD has always been a science-based show, so incorporating magic and the supernatural into the series in the form of Robbie Reyes' Ghost Rider was a bit of a gamble going in. While the science-based storylines that came later in the season still were stronger, the inclusion of the Ghost Rider character stuck the landing, largely because of Gabriel Luna's excellent performance and the great CGI work from Mark Kolpack and his team.

Though Ghost Rider looked good and was an effective character, some other elements of this arc weren't as strong. The Darkhold-affected ghostly scientists didn't look great and Eli wasn't a particularly standout villain. But if that's the cost of getting Robbie into the MCU, then so be it; here's hoping he'll return in future seasons as well.

Though Ghost Rider's introduction was trumpeted as the standout new character of Season 4, it was Mallory Jansen's AIDA that was the season's MVP. All of the guest stars -- from Luna and Natalie Cordova to John Hannah and Jason O'Mara -- were stellar, but Jansen, in particular, stole the show. The conversation about the rights and wrongs of creating artificial intelligence have been explored time and again in pop culture, but the way Jansen humanized AIDA from conception to villainzation and back again made the character and the storyline work.

If Ghost Rider was an experiment, then the AIDA/L.M.D./Framework storyline was back to Agents of SHIELD's bread and butter. Grounding the story in science, having a shorter and tighter time to tell stories and incorporating more gravitas with the 10 p.m. timeslot allowed this series to really dig into the more mature facets of the story the show wanted to tell, and it benefited from it. The writers also swung for the fences in many ways, from turning all of their characters into L.M.D.s to bringing back thought dead characters like Ward and Trip in refreshing, emotional ways. Agents of SHIELD really hit its stride in the Framework pod, which I'd consider the strongest arc the series has ever done. This story allowed SHIELD to showcase just how far it's come over the past few seasons, and challenge the characters by showing them how things could have been.

There were some missteps with the L.M.D./Framework arcs, including the implementation of the Superior as a villain. He never was as imposing or terrifying as he should have been, and if he was supposed to be a riff on M.O.D.O.K. then the show did a too subtle job of incorporating that Easter egg. Fortunately the strengths of the season outshadow the weaker elements, like Eli, the Superior and some of the effects work. Even better, the main characters are the best and most interesting they've ever been, and the show is leaning into some of the more fan-desired moments -- like Philinda, for example -- in ways that don't feel contrived. Four seasons in, the SHIELD writing and showrunning team have cracked their core characters and know the right way to push them and challenge them.

All the main characters of this show felt like they grew and changed in significant ways over the course of this year, which I touched on in my finale recap. Season 3 left characters like Daisy and Coulson in places where they were unsure of how to move forward, and over the course of Season 4's madcap adventures they had substantive growth to become more confident in who they are. Alternately, people like Fitz and Mack have since been challenged in their belief and understanding of who they are and what they stand for, and there's certainly the sentiment that that emotional baggage will carry over into Season 5. Iain de Caestecker and Elizabeth Henstridge continue to be this series' secret weapons, consistently delivering powerful performances and effectively grounding FitzSimmons' relationship with what feel like real world, emotional stakes.

As for what comes next... well, it certainly looks like we're going to space, though how long and in what capacity remains unclear. That might be as marked a change of pace as Season 4's venturing into the supernatural realm of the MCU, but as long as Agents of SHIELD retains some of the smart lessons it learned this past season, the future looks bright for the quality of what comes next for this series.

The Verdict

With its later time slot and three-pod season arc, Agents of SHIELD delved into more mature territory and was the better for it. The later storylines -- specifically the Framework pod -- were stronger than the "Ghost Rider" arc, but across the board Season 4 is the best season of SHIELD to date. Excellent guest stars and well-crafted supporting characters helped elevate this season above the previous three, and even though there were some elements that weren't as effective in Season 4, overall Agents of SHIELD is better than it's ever been.

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