mercredi 7 juin 2017

Iceman #1 Review


Time to visit Bobby's world.

One thing that both Iceman and the recently launched Jean Grey comic have in common is that both books put the spotlight on characters who have badly needed it since the start of the All-New X-Men status quo. That's especially true for Bobby Drake. Little has been done with the elder Iceman since he came to terms with his sexuality at the end of Brian Bendis' Uncanny X-Men run. This new series is a chance to make up for lost time, and it shows potential to live up to that promise.

Bobby's sexuality definitely plays a role in this issue, but that element is secondary to a more general exploration of the character's chaotic personal life and constantly shifting role among the X-Men. Some of the best material in this issue involves Bobby's awkward interaction with his parents, two well-meaning people who simply can't wrap their heads around the idea that their son is both a mutant and a superhero. Too often it seems like the X-Men books lose sight of the mutant metaphor and the way it reflects the experiences shared by anyone who feels like an outsider in their own life. That doesn't look to be a problem with this comic.

It also helps that Sina Grace and Alessandro Vitti include the younger Iceman as a secondary character. The dynamic between the two Bobbys is a lot of fun to read, and it illustrates just how fundamentally different the two are. If anything, the younger Bobby is more confident and comfortable in his own skin, whereas the elder Bobby is only just now coming to terms with who he really is. It's very refreshing to read an Iceman comic that explores Bobby's conflicted nature without retreating to the same "He never lives up to his inner potential" well we've seen 1000 times before. Grace's writing shows more nuance than that.


Vitti's relatively dark, gritty style may not seem like the best fit for a happy-go-lucky character like Iceman, but he proves to be an apt choice for the series. Vitti's heavy line-work does sometimes get in the way and limit the emotional range in his facial work, but Vitti manages to bring a very down-to-earth quality to this book while still reflecting the epic nature of Iceman's abilities. The Iceman vs. Iceman is especially impressive, with Vitti capturing the energy and spectacle of two ultra-powerful mutants unleashing their ice abilities on one another.

This isn't a flawless debut for the series by any means. The conflict itself is pretty low-key, which isn't helped by the fact that Grace and Vitti rely on a Purifier as an antagonist. X-Men villains don't get any more generic than that. In a larger sense, this issue doesn't really establish a clear direction or path forward for the series. It reads like it could just as easily be a one-shot Iceman adventure. Hopefully the next few issues will do more to build an overarching quest for Bobby to pursue.

The Verdict

Iceman #1 doesn't make the strongest case for this series as an ongoing story, as it could just as easily be a standalone one-shot starring the frozen X-Man. But it's a very well-executed story regardless, one that showcases Bobby Drake's crazy personal life while still making the most of his incredible powers. Iceman is shaping up to be a worthy addition to the ResurrXion lineup.

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