Livewire rounds up the rejects.
Given the sheer variety of super powers out there, chances are that someone is bound to get the shaft. For every John and Jane enjoying their super strength or laser eyes, there’s likely at least one person forced to accept that simply making things glow will have to do. Superpowers aren’t fair, but that doesn’t make them not fun. From writer Eric Heisserer and artist Raul Allen, Valiant’s latest proves that even the castoffs deserve their time to shine.
One of the first things this book gets right is its easy accessibility. Valiant has built up a pretty solid foundation over the last few years, but you don’t need to know its entire history going in to allow for basic comprehension. Rather, Heisserer uses the early part of the issue to both set up the stakes and lay out the events preceding it, using dialogue as a way of filling in the blanks. Too often these setups veer into obvious information dumps, but the writer does a nice job of getting everything out in a way that’s organic and fits the narrative presented. Heisserer utilizes the ever useful Harada to great effect, reminding readers of his attempt to build and mold an army of psiots. The story takes off when we learn that not all psiots are created equal, with those deemed unworthy or inadequate shuttled off to essentially stay out of the way.
It’s those rejects that form the basis of this story, and over the course of the debut Heisserer introduces us to a few of them. Once considered afterthoughts, the surviving leftovers of Harada’s initiative are now on the run, with a deadly and driven cyborg in hot pursuit. They’re a motley bunch, with powers to match. One character speaks to birds. Another can conjure items out of thin air, but with no control as to what or when. Simply put, they’re out of their league, and it’s there where Heisserer’s inclusion of Unity original Livewire comes into play. Serving as the surrogate to this de facto super-team, Livewire’s veteran presence initially threatens to take over the read. And yet, Heisserer never allows that to happen, spreading the characterization around so well that by the end of the issue the newbies feel almost established as Livewire herself. Given Livewire’s past relationship to Harada it will be interesting to see how, or if, Heisserer changes that dynamic going forward, but his early character focus is promising.
It also helps to have Raul Allen back on board. Having already made his mark with his run on Wrath of The Eternal Warrior, Allen does it again here with another spate of intricately detailed visuals. His clean lines and sharp choreography make each page a joy, so much so that even in an issue largely lacking in direct action, there’s never a dull moment. Allen also makes great use of his layouts, adopting the same multi-tiered structure that made Wrath so inviting. The many panels allow the artist to focus on specifics that would otherwise be lost or ignored, each little detail enhancing an already engrossing visual tale. Not to be outdone, colorist Patricia Martin makes her own stellar impression on the title, pairing muted tones with more vibrant swaths of obvious emphasis. This is one pretty book.
As an entry to a new corner of the Valiant Universe, Secret Weapons #1 does a great job of crafting characters worth following. Eric Heisserer lets the uniqueness of his various leads drive the narrative, making for an immediate and organic investment. Raul Allen and Patricia Martin do the rest with their sleek lines and inviting colors, this debut one strong and genuinely engaging.
The Verdict
An entertaining premise and strong character works drives this enjoyable debut. Eric Heisserer turns out a script that remains accessible despite its shared history, his focus on early development making quick stars of his leads. Raul Allen and Patricia Martin provide the book's visual investment, pairing detailed art and creative paneling with evocative color work.
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