Forget what you know.
The cast of Saga have rolled with plenty of punches across the series’ run, but that doesn’t mean Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples intend to stop swinging. Their latest further explores the immediate aftermath of recent revelations, in turn adding yet another jarring and wholly unexpected swerve.
To say that Saga carries political undertones would be incorrect, as that would suggest that Brian K. Vaughan is anything less than transparent in his delivery. Despite being only two issues deep this arc has already tackled abortion, miscarriages and affordable health care, with Vaughan depicting each in the straightforward, no frills manner we’ve become accustomed to. That assured nature is further represented by his characters. The sudden emergence of Alana’s Wreath abilities takes over the early focus of the read, but Vaughan doesn’t allow his script to blow past reminding us how she got them. Its bittersweet stuff, and the book’s various interactions reflect as such.
That being said, recent issues have tried to free Marko and Alana of the baggage of their past, ever present as it may be, and Vaughan works to continue that trend here. As always, that balance is best reflected by lead Hazel. Though undeniably shaped by recent events, she’s not bogged down by them, a trait that her parents, and even tagalong Petrichor, attempt to embrace themselves. The new dangers that Vaughan dots along the periphery of the narrative may cut that attempt short sooner than later, but at least for now the read remains anchored by the tight relationship of its core. In a book that can be so devastatingly sad, it’s comforting to see its characters, and its creators, allowing for hope that things will eventually get better. Of course, comfort does not mean complacency, something Vaughan makes well known with his stunning final page. It’s a bit difficult to truly believe that said sequence is set in stone, but this is Saga after all. The unexpected is pretty much status quo.
And much as we expect Vaughan to sweep the rug from beneath our feet, so too do we leave it to Staples to blow our socks off. She of course succeeds yet again, her pages awash with new bouts of unique character and otherworldly setting. Vaughan' script allows for a good variety of character interaction, and Staples sells each one with a great blend of physicality and easily readable expression. For all that, its her colors that best impress this time around. Though working largely with various purples and blues, Staples is able to pair her shifting hues with the equally shifting moods, her colors transitioning from contemplative to moody and back again. With 40 plus issues under her belt it'd be easy for her to phone one in, but we've yet to see it and doubt we will.
Still focusing on aftermath over narrative progression, Saga's latest hits most of the right notes. Brian K. Vaughan again uses Hazel as the book's emotional anchor, both as an inspiration to those in her family and as a potential clue as to where things may eventually be heading. Fiona Staples does the rest, her excellent blend of complex color and raw emotion again on display with darn near every page. Saga's world keeps on growing, and we're all the better for it.
The Verdict
Saga's leads keep trudging along in this reflective follow-up. Brian K. Vaughan doesn't allow recent events to bog down his narrative, though he does ensure that the various ramifications linger. Fiona Staples' strong color work and equally expressive character expression seals the deal, her final twist sending the series into further uncharted territory.
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