vendredi 27 octobre 2017

Stranger Things: "The Pollywog" Review


Easy Peasy

Full spoilers for Stranger Things episode “The Pollywog” continue belowMake sure to read all of our Season 2 reviews here.

Giving Dustin a new pet to play with was a great idea, which will most assuredly have far-reaching consequences as Season 2 rolls on. Thankfully, we didn’t have to wait long to see what was in the garbage can. The arrival of D’Artagnan, or Dart for short, could mean disaster, or success for the inhabitants of Hawkins, depending on two important outcomes.

The first of these outcomes has to do with how the kids will perceive the arrival of such a strange creature. Upon first meeting little Dart, it did not go well, but that doesn’t mean it will stay bad forever. Even though we don’t have a clear picture as to how the Upside Down animal kingdom works, the writers have done a good enough job at giving us clues as to how it all works. Let’s explore that further.

If you look at how Dart reacts to certain things like light, loud noises, aggression and joy, then it pretty much acts and responds like any other creature in our realm. Like a newborn baby, Dart feels the safest around its parental figure. All of this implies that Dart has the potential to be tamed. Like a new puppy, Dustin has an otherworldly ally.

Another way to look at this, which brings us to the second likely outcome, is how Will perceives anything relating to the Upside Down as bad news. Let’s not forget that Dustin wasn’t trapped in a strange dimension like Will was. In other words, Dustin isn’t suffering from the same kind of post-traumatic stress. So, Will is unlikely to accept Dart into the group, no matter how it behaves. The whole concept is odd since it was Will who gave birth to Dart back in Season 1.

These guys are a team after all, and while their camaraderie is fun to watch, it’s nice to see the writers aren’t shying away from showing conflict within the group. Eleven’s resurgence from her cabin looks to add to the already thin ice that everyone is walking on.

Love triangles are usually a boorish, overused trope that has little meaning, but Stranger Things isn’t your typical show. Millie Bobby Brown is giving an excellent performance in this episode. Her rage and hurt are palpable, and she doesn't even need to speak for us to understand what she’s feeling. Mike may not have seen her at the school, but his fears are coming true. Eleven feels like she’s been forgotten. Max is the new fifth member of the team.

It’s devastating to see her so hurt, but it also adds a compelling dynamic to the story. There is so much going on this season that we still have yet to uncover all of the truths surrounding the Upside Down, but at its core, the show is still about the kids that inhabit Hawkins. Not to sound too much like Caesar from War for the Planet of the Apes, but kids together, strong. The Duffer Brothers seem focused on making these kid’s lives as difficult as possible, which is hard to watch, but it sure does make for a good story.

Lastly, let’s discuss how high the danger level is throughout this episode. Without naming names, there are many shows where the perception of a real threat is lessened by the fact that no one ever dies, or suffers from the long-term effects resulting in a traumatic event. For Will, the threat level is high, and it is real. In a brilliant move, the episode closes with a story told by Bob Newby who is probably the worst guy to take advice from.

The ending is such a harrowing sequence, due to Will’s belief in Bob’s Mr. Baldo tale. He sees the shadow demon as no more than a nightmare that can be wished away by sheer bravery and belief. Again, the writers have given us a world that may be fantastical, but the consequences exist in a place we can all relate too. Credit also goes to Noah Schnapp who is proving he’s no flash in the pan actor. The elements of danger are real in the town of Hawkins whether or not its citizens are ready for them.

The Verdict

The introduction of Dart adds to the already palpable tension brewing in Hawkins. There’s an effortlessness to the writing that keeps the pacing sharp. “Pollywog” possesses all of the strengths a great hour of Stranger Things should have. You’ll laugh, cry and jump out of your seat before the credits role.

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