You can't get too deep into digging up memories of the 16-bit era before you unearth the age's most amazing annelid, the mutated, cyber-suited superhero Earthworm Jim. His debut was the stuff of perception-altering legend, as his game was filled with off-the-wall environments, mind-bending music and enemies with really, really odd names. Psy-Crow. Professor Monkey-for-a-Head. Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Pus-filled, Malformed, Slug-for-a-Butt. Seriously, that was the main villain. They really don't make 'em like Jim any more, and though subsequent generations have tried to revive him, it's always been with limited success – his unique brand of oddness was just more at home back in the oddball '90s.
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