mardi 6 juin 2017

Scalebound Director Addresses Cancellation, Future Plans

“For the fans, an apology is really all that I can offer. I’m terribly sorry.”

Scalebound director Hideki Kamiya has offered an apology to fans for the game’s recent cancellation, plus offered a few hints about what he’d like to tackle next.

“For the fans, an apology is really all that I can offer. I’m terribly sorry,” Kamiya told IGN recently at PlatinumGames' headquarters in Osaka. “That goes for the fans, but it goes for the team members who worked on the game as well. The staff here at Platinum, the creative team at Microsoft, there were a lot of people who worked on this game and tried to make it special. I feel a lot of weight for not being able to have had something come from their efforts.”

“It’s unfortunate that the project was canceled, but we still gained something from the work we put into the project over several years,” he continued. “Along the way we learned a lot and gained new experience, so the time we spent was not wasted. This time the outcome was unfortunate, but it’s always been the way that as soon as one project is finished then it’s onwards to the next, and that’s just how it will be this time too.”

As for that next project, Kamiya is already brainstorming what it might look like. “I have various ideas in mind,” he told us. “But more than anything, I want to make something that really waves the Kamiya banner proudly. A game where you will know instantly that it came from me.”

Whatever the project is, Kamiya seems to have the support of Platinum behind him, with several team members already offering feedback on his early ideas.

“Recently, I actually gave a presentation within the company for a game I’d like to make,” Kamiya said. “Attendance was on a voluntary basis, not mandatory. I just said, ‘I’m going to talk about a few ideas I have, so if you’re interested, just show up.’ And the biggest meeting room that we have in the company was packed out. Out of the people who did come, there were a lot of people who had worked on Scalebound with me, and I was really happy that they came, because we have had some trying moments together. It felt good to know that they would put their faith in me again, and I want to make sure I honor their trust and that something good can come out of it.”

“I can’t say much,” he continued, “but I will say that I was very surprised with how much feedback there was and how curious everyone was. There were lots of questions like, ‘Okay, well then, what about this?’ or ‘I have an idea that might work in this game.’ I was getting lots of feedback. If you’re in a small room, where you have a group of five or 10 people, it’s easy for people to exchange opinions. But if you get 50 people or more in a room together and you then say, ‘Okay, question time, does anybody have anything to say?’ usually you hear crickets, because no one wants to speak up. But not this time. Everybody just kept firing off question after question and we went over time. So I was excited about that.”

For more insight from Kamiya into his process for recruiting talent and building teams for new projects, be sure to read our full update on the future of of PlatinumGames, featuring interviews with Kamiya, Atsushi Inaba, and more members of the team.

Andrew is IGN’s executive editor of news and just wants to ride a dragon. You can find him rambling about Persona and cute animals on Twitter.

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