jeudi 1 juin 2017

Comic Book Reviews for May 31, 2017

The Marvel U. feels the effects of Secret Empire.

It was another big week of comics, as Marvel delivered a new issue of Secret Empire and several key tie-ins, while also launching Cable's new solo series and wrapping up Jeff Lemire's Old Man Logan run. DC released several new annual issues and began a major new storyline for The Flash. Elsewhere, BOOM! Studios published one of their strongest Power Rangers comics yet, while Image released a dirt-cheap and new reader-friendly issue of Saga.

Scroll down to check out our reviews for these and various other new releases, and be sure to let us know your favorite books of the week in the comments below.


Written by James Robinson | Drawn by Carlos Pacheco

"Marvel is banking pretty heavily on '90s nostalgia when it comes to the ResurrXion relaunch. Hot on the heels of X-Men Gold, X-Men Blue and a new incarnation of Generation X, Cable is back in his own solo series. Luckily, one needn't already be a fan of this gun-toting, time-traveling cyborg assassin to enjoy what James Robinson and Carlos Pacheco are delivering." -Jesse

Click here to read the entire review!

Final Score:

Captain America: Sam Wilson #22

Written by Nick Spencer | Drawn by Sean Isaakse

This series hasn't played nearly as strong a role in setting up Secret Empire that Captain America: Steve Rogers. As a result, it doesn't immediately establish itself as a critical tie-in to the main event. This issue basically serves as a character study for Sam, exploring his reaction to Hydra's takeover of America and the internal conflict between his weary resignation and innate need to help others. Nothing earth-shattering, in other words, but enjoyable enough. And all of the character drama in this issue flows naturally out of Sam's recent, Civil War II-fueled status quo. I only wish Nick Spencer had focused more on the moment Sam actually discovered the truth about Steve, as that seems to have been glossed over all throughout Secret Empire. Sean Isaakse brings a clean, attractive look to this issue. In some ways, Isaakse work is a little too cherry given the morose tone of the script, but at least this series remains far more consistent and visually appealing than its sister series. -Jesse

Final Score:

Deadpool #31

Written by Gerry Duggan | Drawn by Matteo Lolli

Well, now. This is how you do a Secret Empire tie-in issue. Deadpool #31 is a masterful one-shot story by Gerry Duggan and Matteo Lolli that pulls the trigger on a thread that Phil Coulson discovered a few issues ago and it also sends Deadpool on a mission with deadly consequences for both of them. There’s even a clever parallel between Deadpool and Coulson that reestablishes their mutual admiration for Captain America, which only makes the ending more powerful. Because superhero comics often reset and reboot, you can never quite tell when something is going to be permanent. But in the unlikely event that what happens in this issue isn’t retconned away by the end of Secret Empire, this is going to be a big deal down the line. This story feels consequential and emotional, while remaining true to the spirit of both Deadpool and Coulson. It’s a great issue, and maybe Duggan and Lolli should have their own Marvel event book in the future. They’ve earned it. -Blair

Final Score:

Deadpool vs. Punisher #4

Written by Fred Van Lente | Drawn by Pere Pérez

If this series is in continuity, then I can’t see how the ending of this issue won’t be explained away in the finale. But that last page has tremendous shock value. It’s the kind of image that reminds you why so many writers and artists love those shocking moments. Fred Van Lente hasn’t overloaded this story with those kinds of twists, so it's a genuine surprise when he finally goes there. Pere Pérez’s imagery for that page is also very memorable. That’s the image that stayed with me after the issue was over. Van Lente and Pérez also delivered a very entertaining fight between Deadpool, the Punisher and Taskmaster. I can’t remember if Punisher and Taskmaster have ever fought before, but their encounter seems fresh and it gives Frank Castle an enemy that he can't easily overcome. This issue’s sense of humor is largely restrained, but Van Lente gives Deadpool a few funny moments while allowing him to be deadly serious as well. This issue strikes a very good balance between the comedic aspects and the action. I’m very curious to see if the final issue can neatly wrap it all up. -Blair

Final Score:

Doctor Strange #21

Written by Dennis Hopeless | Drawn by Nico Henrichon

Doctor Strange isn’t the natural choice for a Secret Empire tie-in, especially considering that his current power level is very low. But this issue really places Strange in some tight situations because he doesn’t have his usual mystic objects and because most of New York City is in a Darkforce bubble. Stephen Strange: Scavenger Supreme is actually pretty fun to follow, and one of his old enemies apparently has a high place in the new order. Dennis Hopeless can't resist bringing in Spider-Woman and Ben Urich from his recent run with those characters, and the ongoing argument between Jessica Drew and Strange has some genuinely funny moments. Niko Henrichon’s art is also quite good, as it seems to evoke Chris Bachalo’s style while including touches that are unique to Henrichon. This is very entertaining, and Strange now has a very different supporting cast than he’s had in the past. It should be very interesting to see how he’ll play off of the person who claims a favor from him at the end. -Blair

Final Score:


Written by Nicole Perlman | Drawn by Marco Checchetto

And so, yet another Guardians of the Galaxy solo comic ends after one measly story arc. It's a shame that Gamora of all books didn't stick around a little longer. There's a lot to like about this series, between the intimate look it provides at the Most Dangerous Woman in the Galaxy and the gorgeous visuals of Marco Checchetto. Checchetto sends the series out on a high note. The sense of scale is bigger than ever, as Gamora fights a desperate battle to escape a planet being consumed by a black hole and concepts like up and down start to lose all meaning. Checchetto also excels at rendering characters who are both wholly alien and invitingly human. Nicole Perlman's script is occasionally bogged down by sappy dialogue and narration, but she succeeds in giving a hopeful, optimistic end to this dark adventure. But even at the end of the series, there's a lot of confusion as to when the story is actually taking place. It often looks and reads like an MCU tie-in rather than a traditional Marvel comic. -Jesse

Final Score:

Generation X #2

Written by Christina Strain | Drawn by Amilcar Pinna

Some teen X-Men books really shake up the formula, and others seem content to play it safe. Generation X is, sadly, shaping up to be the latter. This new series has done little to build a strong case for itself after two issues. It's not even clear why Marvel dusted off the "Generation X" moniker. Apart from the presence of Jubilee, there's little to link this relaunch to the much-loved original series. Mostly, this book comes across as a pale echo of Wolverine and the X-Men, but without the strong characterization, team dynamic or lovable weirdness of that book. That lack of weirdness is all the more disappointing considering that Amilcar Pinna's art style cries out for a more surreal approach. Pinna makes the most of the unusual character designs, but otherwise his wonky, distorted style and exaggerated use of perspective feel out of place in this relatively quiet and grounded corner of the X-Men franchise. -Jesse

Final Score:


Written by Mariko Tamaki | Drawn by Nico Leon

This issue finally wraps up the series' opening story arc, and there's no sense that "Deconstructed" actually needed that many chapters to be told. The methodical pacing has become a drag over the past few months, but at least this issue shakes up the formula with the first real glimpse of Jen's new Hulk form. It's quite a departure from the happy-go-lucky She-Hulk we know and love. This Hulk is a fitting manifestation of Jen's repressed guilt and fear and trauma, one that's savage, terrifying and yet still very much unlike the Hulks that have come before. Artist Nico Leon seems to relish the opportunity to finally dig in with this monster. Leon brings a feral, almost demonic look to Hulk and draws a terrifically dynamic battle of monsters here. Unfortunately, that epic showdown can't save the arc from reaching a hollow finish. Maise's fate is left annoyingly unclear as she's quietly shuffled out of the picture. And as for Jen, writer Mariko Tamaki tries to force a happy ending to this conflict that simply doesn't feel earned given the character's general state of mind. This series continues to show plenty of promise, but it needs a tighter approach to pacing and a willingness to stay mired in darkness as long as Jen's character arc demands it. -Jesse

Final Score:

Old Man Logan #24

Written by Jeff Lemire | Drawn by Eric Nguyen

Logan's whirlwind journey through time ends in the only way it really could, with the aging X-Man offered one last glimpse of his old life and the family he lost. This issue offers a fairly predictable end to a generally predictable story arc, but one that packs a solid emotional punch all the same. Writer Jeff Lemire is able to bring the character full circle with this issue, capping off a journey that began all the way back in the the original Old Man Logan storyline. In the process, he's able to bring a little more life and personality to Logan's late family members, none of whom had much page time in the original storyline. Artist Eric Nguyen also delivers some of his strongest work of the arc. As gritty and abstract as his style can be, Nguyen is surprisingly adept at capturing the simple emotions of Logan''s family life, bringing a welcome touch of domestic tranquility to an otherwise ostentatious conflict. Ultimately, this issue repeats what's now become a well-worn theme - the idea that Logan has to stop living in the past. But it's a worthy sentiment all the same, and hopefully one the incoming creative team will bear in mind. -Jesse

Final Score:

Secret Empire #3

Written by Nick Spencer | Drawn by Andrea Sorrentino & Rod Reis

"Secret Empire certainly doesn't lack for scope. This is one of those event comics that really does extend into every corner of the Marvel Universe, from superheroes to supernatural figures to cosmic empires. The only down side to that massive scope is that it takes a while simply to arrange all the pieces on the board. That's a problem Secret Empire #3 runs into. With so much emphasis on introducing new characters and conflicts, there's precious little room to build on what the series has already introduced." -Jesse

Click here to read the entire review!

Final Score:

Secret Empire: Uprising #1

Written by Derek Landy | Drawn by Joshua Cassara

Secret Empire: Uprising is one of the nice surprises of the current round of tie-in issues for Marvel’s latest event. This issue feels like a continuation of Champions, as most of that team and a few other young heroes like the new Wasp and Ironheart attempt to find a way to resist the new Hydra order without betraying their principles. Considering that Black Widow is their new mentor, that’s not easy at all. Derek Landy’s script captures these characters really well, and it doesn’t strike any false notes. That’s impressive in of itself. Joshua Cassara’s art pops off the page and his sequential skills mean that there aren’t any unclear moments. The story is also very engaging and it takes on a surprisingly personal tone. These characters are really out of their depth and desperate, which makes for a compelling read. This is the first time I’ve seen a comic from this creative team, but I’ll definitely be looking out for them in the future. -Blair

Final Score:

Spider-Gwen #20

Written by Jason Latour | Drawn by Robbi Rodriguez

I suppose it was inevitable that Spider-Gwen would encounter the Wolverine of her world. And once again, Jason Latour and Robbi Rodriguez have given a Marvel icon a very different persona. It's really quite funny to see Gwen’s reaction to Logan and another fan-favorite character. That’s a surprise that deserves to remain unspoiled. It’s unfortunate that this Wolverine probably won’t be coming to the Prime Universe anytime soon. Even after all of this time, there’s still something disorienting about Spider-Gwen’s world. But that’s part of the charm. Gwen’s willingness to do anything to save Harry is also a compelling hook for the story. Rodriguez’s action scenes are also exceptional, and he really captures Gwen’s athletic moves on the page. This book has an eclectic style that may not be for everyone. But Spider-Gwen is one of the more unique comic books that Marvel produces. And it hasn’t lost its touch yet. -Blair

Final Score:

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #7

Written by Kieron Gillen | Drawn by Andrea Broccardo

Jason Aaron and Kieron Gillen make for natural writing partners, given their shared penchant for black humor and ridiculous situations. Those qualities are serving them well on their second Star Wars crossover. "The Screaming Citadel" isn't shaping up to be very notable in terms of plot or its relevance to Luke's quest to become a Jedi Knight, but ti does offer a winning blend of goofy yet high-stakes action and solid character drama. This issue stands out as it examines the growing friendship between Luke and Aphra and the discomfort that friendship causes Leia. Leave it to Beetee and Triple Zero of all characters to make Leia realize that she often treats her closest friends like peons. It's enough to make you wish Aphra were a permanent member of the ensemble Star Wars cast. Sadly, this crossover still has trouble measuring up to the high standard set by Marco Checchetto in the opening chapter. Andrea Broccardo's style offers a decent take on the films, but Broccardo's odd framing choices often ensure that characters are pushed too far into the background. The flat coloring style doesn't help either. -Jesse

Final Score:


Written by Jeff Lemire | Drawn by German Peralta

Thanos isn’t the easiest character to turn into a protagonist, but Jeff Lemire has knocked the Mad Titan down several pegs and now we get to see him at rock bottom. More impressively, German Peralta’s art carries most of the story by itself, as Thanos barely says a word through most of the issue. There’s so much silence that it’s almost disappointing when someone starts speaking to Thanos. This could have been one of the rare issues that worked best with complete silence. Mike Deodato is a tough act to follow for anyone, but Peralta does quite well for himself in this issue. Peralta captures the emotions on Thanos' face and actually shows fear and desperation that rarely get associated with him. When he’s by himself, Thanos is fully aware of how far he’s fallen and it’s almost enough to make the reader feel pity for him. Almost. After all, we do know what he’s capable of doing. Now we get to watch Thanos slowly reclaim everything that was his. -Blair

Final Score:


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