mercredi 19 avril 2017

Nick Fury #1 Review


NIck Fury gets his Bond on.

It's been roughly five years since Nick Fury Jr. was introduced into the Marvel Universe, and the character still hasn't found his footing. The younger Fury can always be relied upon to show up and reinforce the interconnected nature of the Marvel U., but he has no real defining struggle or clear purpose. The hope is that Fury will finally have the chance to shine now that he has a solo series to call his own. However, Fury #1 makes it clear that there's still a long way to go with this character.

Fury #1 is very much a case of style over substance. There's certainly a slick charm to the series as writer James Robinson and artist ACO revisit the James Bond-inspired Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. days. Fury is every bit the suave, sophisticated super-spy Mr. Bond is, right down to the impeccable tuxedo and unshakable air of self-confidence. Even those who don't care a lick for the Marvel Universe can enjoy this issue purely as a Bond-worthy adventure full of exciting shootouts, femme fatales and gadgets galore.


ACO's bold page design and Rachelle Rosenberg's vivid colors certainly contribute to the overall sense of cool. ACO's figure work doesn't tend to stand out, but he brings a lot of excitement to the page with his dynamic angles and bold design choices. Clearly, the new series is heavily influenced by Jim Steranko's classic Nick Fury comics. There's a similarly surreal quality to the imagery, though Rosenberg's colors give the book a psychedelic feel all its own.

Despite the energy to this issue, however, it doesn't offer a particularly filling meal. There's no depth to Robinson's portrayal of Fury, nor his new nemesis introduced in these pages. One could just as easily swap out Fury for his father and re-brand this as a flashback comic and it wouldn't make a bit of difference. That's really the been the problem with Nick Fury Jr. from the beginning - he just isn't that compelling or unique an addition to the Marvel U. Hopefully this series can eventually succeed in fleshing him out and distancing the new Fury from his namesake, but for all its charms, this issue doesn't make a strong enough case for readers to stick around.

The Verdict

Nick Fury #1 is a perfectly enjoyable read for anyone craving a little super-spy action. The psychedelic art recalls the glory days of Jim Steranko's S.H.I.E.L.D. work while still giving the book its own flavor. Unfortunately, this issue does little to paint its title character as an interesting leading man capable of supporting his own series. Fury is a character in dire need of more depth, and it's unclear whether this comic can get the job done.

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