I love The Undertaker, dammit!
I know that’s not exactly a hot take, but he has become a slightly more polarizing figure now as an elder part-timer, and there are some out there (we call them "awful people") who just want him to clear out of the way and make room for the younglings.
I’m on board with him ending things, and even ending things come this WrestleMania, but I’m ready to squeeze every ounce out of his undead being while he’s still able to mesmerize us while taking ten minutes to get to the ring. I’m going to enjoy the holy hell out of Undertaker while he’s still dinging that dong and being all ominous and crap.
Taker — who was one of several reasons why I was uber-excited for this week’s SmackDown Live — came out to give Team SmackDown a pep talk as only a walking, stalking corpse who can kick your ass could. He also appeared, apparently, so that he could give the ol' tip of the mortician cap to Shane. You know, to compliment him on his bomb-ass vest!
For those who missed RAW (which is a phrase I might use more often now since SD is clearly the stronger show), Team SmackDown got their asses handed to them after they attempted an invasion. You do have to wonder, with these big dual-brand PPVs now, which show is really considered the go-home show? Previously, everyone appeared on both shows so it didn’t matter. RAW was the default go-home and SmackDown, as always, was just “bonus features.”
Now we’ve got two different rosters and on this PPV in particular, they’re battling each other. So this time around, RAW felt like the go-home episode for the men’s teams while SmackDown focused on the women’s. If we’re still paying attention to opposite momentum these days, it feels like the SD men will win and the RAW women will win. But what was previously hard science-y science is now shaky due to the brand split.
Plus, Undertaker AND Edge basically came out to endorse the S-Down men, so there’s no way they can lose now, right? That’d be a huge waste of those Hall of Famers. All I know is that James Ellsworth better No Chin Music Jericho with the ref’s back turned for the team’s win. Revenge for being put on the list, you see.
And yes, Ellsworth being genuinely upset and fearful about making the List of Jericho was wonderful.
Anyhow, Undertaker’s on his way out, sooner or later. I’m not ready to phantom book his final opponent just yet (though beating Brock clean, finally, would seem the best option at this point) but I’m all for him “being back” in a more regular capacity. Looking swoll and digging coal, or something to that effect. If this is his farewell run, and if Survivor Series is really being turned into the soft opening for the Road to WrestleMania, then we may as well get him now, and get all we can from him now, a few months ahead of schedule. And who knows? Maybe he’ll wrestle at the Rumble too. I understand that Taker’s an attraction now who should be used carefully, but given his “ride off into the sunset” status right now I’d love to see him in one or two more storylines before he becomes one with the event horizon.
I’m still not sold on the whole “brand supremacy” aspect of Survivor Series. I know that storylines will come out of it, but I’m not invested in one side going over the other. It’s a chance for strange bedfellows to team up, on both sides, and try to work together, but WAS ANYONE ELSE FREAKED OUT BY BAYLEY JOINING IN ON THE BEAT DOWN OF NIKKI BELLA? What the hell was that? She is a floofy foo-foo happy hug machine that spreads joy and jubilation to the masses. She should NOT be a part of an ambush attack. It’s one thing to stand with your team and fight, it’s another to invade the enemy’s home turf and engage in an unfair, surprise assault. What was that all about? AGAINST!
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