This page contains the location of hidden Gnome figurines that can be collected around San Francisco in Watch Dogs 2.
This page contains content that could be considered spoilers.
After finding and collecting all ten Gnomes, Marcus will unlock the Gnome outfit (labelled ?! in the Wardrobe).
There are several steps to unlock this easter egg.
Before attempting to collect all of the gnomes, you must activate the first Gnome laptop. At the entrance to Fisherman’s Wharf is a large sign bearing that name next to a round seafood restaurant. Under the stairs on the north side of the restaurant is a duct you can send the RC Jumper into.
At the end of the path you will find a Research Point as well as a gnome with a laptop. Interact with the laptop and take note of the markings on the map. You’ll notice this location is marked on the map with an ‘X’.
They areas where the gnomes can be found are marked on the map with circles, giving a rough approximation of their location. The full list of gnome locations can be found below.
The map under the restaurant had two ‘X’-es. One there, and the other on the north end of a park next to the WKZ TV station. Head there after finding all ten gnomes and explore the tent near the north-west corner to find the new clothing items.
They can be equipped at any store or hackrrspace.
They can be collected in any order, though some require certain upgrades to reach.
This Gnome may be the easiest to get, as it’s merely sitting on the shelf of Papa B’s Pawn Shop in the Tenderloin.
North of the Palace of Fine Arts sits a shipping facility for the Tidis corporation, a front for the Brava crime syndicate. Several gangsters (and a guard dog) patrol the yard, so either clear them out or distract them, then grab the gnome from the small wooden doghouse just inside the front gate.
A block north of Embarcadero Center, head down an alleyway across from the south-west corner of the park (you’ll pass a bus stop with a rainbow-colored awning). Vault over the fence and climb up the ladder onto the scaffold, then drop your RC jumper into the vent near your feet.
Use it to access the Blume control box, then make your way up onto the roof of the building.
Open the now-unlocked ventilation duct and use the Jumper again to follow the vents to find a Research Point and a Gnome.
Beneath the on-ramp to the freeway that crosses from San Francisco to Oakland, there’s a gang-controlled lot with a small homeless camp in the rear. You can fight your way through to the back, but we recommend finding a box truck, van or lift and driving around to the fence in back.
Use the RC Jumper to leap over the fence and collect the Gnome from the wheelbarrow full of dark liquid.
The block next to the HAUM Data Center beneath the Bay Bridge (between SF and Oakland) contains a parking lot and a small brick building (there’s a mural of a unicorn on it). Using a construction lift or other raised platform, reach the roof of this building to find a Gnome (and some other toys).
On the top level of the East block of the Transbay Center, there’s a large hedge square in the center of the rooftop park.
Using the Enhanced Spring skill (or a tall truck), launch your RC jumper off the shorter hedge next to these and into the walled-off area. Inside is a deeply unsettling tableau and another Gnome.
Across the street from the Stache and Vine near the Mission-Dolores Hackerspace is a grey building with a rooftop patio. This area can be reached either by climbing the storage shed and latticework on the West wall or by using a construction lift found in a nearby gang-occupied yard.
You’ll find a gnome next to the hot tub.
A block to the west of the Painted Ladies is small communal garden (with naked hippies). Enter it from the corner where Doobie Donuts is located and climb the first set of stairs on your right inside the alleyway.
At the top of the stairs you’ll find another gnome.
On the west end of the park across from the SF MOMA, use the construction lift to reach the top of the taqueria. There is a gnome around the corner of the rooftop.
EditOakland: Aquaduct
Between Lake Merrit and the Coliseum runs a tunnel that boats can pass through.
In the center of this tunnel is a small dock area - climb ashore and up the ladder to find this gnome resting on a lawn chair.
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