jeudi 18 août 2016

Xbox Scorpio to Bring an End to Console Generations

Iterative hardware is the future.

Microsoft believes we've seen the end of console generations, as the company plans to iterate on the Xbox platform going forward.

In an interview with Engadget at Gamescom 2016, Xbox games marketing head Aaron Greenberg said Microsoft thinks "the future is without console generations," highlighting the fact that iterative hardware allows the Xbox platform to continue to build upon its established community and growing library of games.

Microsoft's upcoming console, codenamed Project Scorpio, is the first major step in this direction, which Greenberg noted is "a pretty big bet" for the company. He emphasized that Scorpio's launch isn't the start of a new console generation, as "everything you have continues forward and it works." Instead Scorpio will serve as a new entry in "a family of devices."

That said, Greenberg noted the company is going to use this as a learning experience and see how this approach pans out. Based on the reception to Scorpio thus far, Microsoft believes it will "be a pretty big success" and could very well "change the way we think about the future of console gaming."

For more on Microsoft's upcoming console, check out IGN's Project Scorpio wiki guide.

Alex Osborn is a freelance writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter and subscribe to his video content on YouTube.

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