mercredi 2 août 2017

Batman #28 Review


Sometimes even Batman is powerless.

This issue kicks off the second act of the massive "War of Jokes and Riddles" storyline, as Joker and Riddler's feud is casting an ever darker shadow over Gotham. Needless to say, life in Gotham City hasn't gotten any easier for the millions suffering under a nonstop barrage of Joker and Riddler-fueled carnage. This arc continues to paint a captivating portrait of a city under siege and a hero utterly powerless to do more than simply count the dead.

In many ways, "The War of Jokes and Riddles" really is the antidote to the "Bat-god" portrayal of Batman that's so prevalent these days. From the beginning, this series has served as an exploration of Batman's limitations and mortality. There's a very bleak quality to the script here, as Batman continues to relate his experiences during those fateful "Year Two" days and the futility in trying to bring a halt to a war that has by now claimed hundreds of lives. This issue offers a much better sense of why this previously untold chapter of Batman's history so weighs on Bruce even now. Again, the purpose of this story is less to showcase the war itself than the psychological toll its taking on men like Batman and Gordon.


King's run has also been marked by a purposeful storytelling symmetry, particularly whenever Batman and Catwoman share the page. King and artist Mikel Janin extend that approach to Batman and Gordon in this issue, mirroring their separate but parallel journeys as they try to broker a cease-fire. It's a tactic that would fail utterly if not for Janin's ability to tell two linked stories simultaneously and letterer Clayton Cowles' efforts in differentiating the two characters in their dialogue and narration. Another standout sequence involves a Batman/Catwoman meeting in the past juxtaposed against their present-day conversation. The complex interplay between the two story threads is cleverly handled and a real testament to what's possible when a writer and artist are 100% in sync.

Janin's general versatility in this issue is also very impressive. As much as he focuses on methodically structured pages for many scenes, Janin isn't afraid to open up and switch to a more chaotic, collage-focused approach when it comes to depicting Batman's hunt for warring assassins Deadshot and Deathstroke.

This is an issue that fires on all cylinders right up until the final two pages. Between an awkwardly rendered splash image of a screaming Batman and a weirdly abrupt, ambiguous ending, this issue fails to stick the landing. But even with those flaws, this proves to be another strong chapter of one of DC's most consistently great comics.

The Verdict

Despite an unsatisfying ending, this issue offers a compelling portrait of a city ravaged by war. Tom King and Mikel Janin prove once again what an effective team they are as they craft a comic dominated by symmetrical storytelling and moody, haunting visuals. This series is usually at its best when these two are working together.

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