mercredi 19 avril 2017

Secret Empire #0 Review


The Secret Empire will rise.

It's hard to follow the Marvel Universe these days and not suffer a case of event fatigue. Just in the past year we've been hit with Civil War II, Inhumans vs. X-Men and The Clone Conspiracy, none of which really lived up to their full potential. But for anyone who's been reading Captain America: Steve Rogers lately, there's no reason to be wary of Secret Empire. This event shows every sign of succeeding where others have failed, and the #0 issue certainly supports that idea.

Why Marvel didn't just label this issue "Secret Empire #1" is a bit of a mystery, as it reads like an essential, even crucial first chapter of the story rather than a mere recap/prologue issue. Writer Nick Spencer opens the issue with one of the more clever and inventive twists in a Marvel event. Following that opening hook, this issue quickly builds towards the return of the true Hydra and Steve Rogers' betrayal of his superhero and S.H.I.E.L.D. comrades.

Event comics are tricky business, as it's not easy to shoulder the increased editorial pressure and account for tie-in comics while still telling a complete, cohesive story within the core mini-series. Spencer already proved himself more capable than most with last year's Avengers Standoff crossover, and that experience serves him well here. Issue #0 strikes an effective balance between showcasing the spectacle behind Hydra's resurgence and the Chitauri invasion of Earth while highlighting the gravity of Captain America's betrayal. Secret Empire seems to be, above all, a story about innocent people being betrayed by those they idolize and the insidious way fascism can worm its way into a supposedly free society. It's a story that, sadly, feels all too relevant in today's political climate. But at least that gives Secret Empire a vitality that Civil War II sorely lacked.


As effectively as Captain America: Steve Rogers built up to Secret Empire, that series has often suffered from its haphazard, inconsistent lineup of artists. Secret Empire itself will feature quite a few artists itself, but at least in this case it's pulling from the cream of the crop. Issue #0 features two familiar faces in Daniel Acuna and Rod Reis. Reis illustrates the opening flashback sequence, one that makes excellent use of Reis' ethereal color work and emphasis on mood over detailed line-work. Acuna once again shows off his versatility as a storyteller, transitioning between shadowy espionage and sheer cosmic craziness at the drop of a hat.

Acuna's visuals capture the wide scope of this story and the very real, human side of the conflict, Nowhere is that more apparent than with Cap himself. At times Cap is an imposing, even sinister figure in this issue. At the same time, Cap's posture and Acuna's use of lighting paint a strong picture of a man weighed down by the burden of his choices. It's clear form the art alone that some trace of the old Steve Rogers still remains. And maybe those upset by the character's recent trajectory can take comfort in that.

The Verdict

Secret Empire probably isn't going to be for all readers. If you haven't been won over by Captain America: Steve Rogers over the past year, Secret Empire #0 likely won't change your mind. But for those who can roll with the concept of Marvel's brightest hero becoming its greatest betrayer, this issue serves as a strong start to what promises to be a very epic and emotionally charged conflict.

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