mercredi 19 avril 2017

Batgirl Explained

She’s getting her own movie from Joss Whedon, so let’s take a look at the history of Barbara Gordon -- and the other characters to don her cape and cowl.

For many fans, their first and most memorable encounter with the crime-fighting crusader called Batgirl was with Yvonne Craig’s indelibly campy and iridescently alluring portrayal from the third season of the 1960s Batman TV series. For another generation, it may have been the post-Batgirl Barbara Gordon as the wheelchair-bound Oracle that intrigued them, or perhaps it was one of the several other versions of Batgirl entirely.

Soon, a whole new crop of comics-loving moviegoers will meet yet another version of the character when the recently announced Batgirl feature film helmed by none other than The Avengers’ Joss Whedon comes to theaters… in a few years. But no matter what incarnation we’re talking about -- and there are quite a few -- we’re here to tell you that Batgirl is nobody’s baby, and she sure isn’t “a chick who fell in from outer space.” Her history is far more complicated and controversial than you might guess; in fact, several women have worn the mantle of the Bat, so let’s get started and find out everything we can about their scene!

The Basics

Although as we’ll see, the name “Batgirl” has been used by several characters in the DC Comics Universe, the woman most people think of as wearing that cowl is Barbara Gordon, the daughter of Gotham City Police Commissioner James Gordon (in later continuity shenanigans, his now-adopted niece). Obviously conceived as little more than a female variation on Batman, Gordon debuted during the campy era of the ’60s TV show but developed into a complex and vital addition to the mythos, perhaps more often in spite of those writing her adventures than because of them.

Powers and Abilities

Like her inspiration and mentor Batman, Barbara Gordon’s Batgirl has no superpowers, just keenly honed skills and abilities at above-average level for a normal human being. Depending on what continuity strand you’re following, Barbara dedicated herself to athletic and martials arts training as well as intense examination of the public and hidden architecture and layout of Gotham. She’s also brilliant, with a Ph.D. in Library Science and data- and information-management skills that served her and the Bat Family well when she was crippled by the Joker in Batman: The Killing Joke and remade herself as the information provider known as Oracle.

Barbara Gordon's first appearance in Detective Comics #359 (January, 1967)

Barbara Gordon's first appearance in Detective Comics #359 (January, 1967)

Origin and Background

Barbara’s Batgirl appeared for the first time in a story by Gardner Fox and Carmine Infantino in Detective Comics #359 (January, 1967). The introduction of the character was intended to coordinate with the impending arrival of Yvonne Craig’s on-screen Batgirl in the Batman television series. Her role in the DC Universe was consistent, if usually relegated to guest shots and supporting roles as well as regular team-ups with Robin among others. It was arguably her “reincarnation” as Oracle that lent her additional importance in the larger tapestry of the comics world by giving disabled readers a role model and rallying figure. Recently, controversy erupted when another continuity shift restored Barbara’s mobility and put her back in the Batgirl costume, thus denying that fanbase a vital representative in DC Comics. But that’s only part of the story…



Controversy and Culture

As a prominent female hero, Batgirl has been the subject, centrally or tangentially, of controversial and at times truly troubling stories that speak to ongoing issues we have with the proper representation of women in positions of power. The most prominent example of this, of course, is the infamous tale The Killing Joke. The Joker’s sadistic attack on Batgirl, crippling and violating her, then torturing her father with pictures of her ordeal, is nothing less than a brutal and offensive rape scenario utilized purely as a plot device -- with Batgirl as prop -- to further a story about Batman. A recent animated adaptation of the graphic novel compounded the problem by adding a lengthy prologue that had Batgirl involved sexually with Batman -- a very creepy pairing for multiple reasons -- and then being spurned by her mentor. It’s worth noting that Killing Joke author Alan Moore has referred to the story as “not one of my finest hours;” that’s putting it lightly, Alan.

The Killing Joke

The Killing Joke

Other Batgirls

Although Barbara Gordon’s version of the character remains the most iconic, she hasn’t been the only adventurer to use the name “Batgirl.” The first was actually Betty (Bette) Kane, whose Bat-Girl fought alongside her aunt Kathy Kane’s Batwoman in the early days of the Silver Age of Comics from 1961-1964.

Betty (Bette) Kane as Bat-Girl and her aunt Kathy Kane as Batwoman

Betty (Bette) Kane as Bat-Girl and her aunt Kathy Kane as Batwoman

Then came Barbara, who was eventually followed by Cassandra Cain. During her stint as Oracle, Barbara helped train Cassandra to take on the role of a fully masked and mute Batgirl with exceptional martial arts skills of her own. She has since adopted the identities of Black Bat and Orphan, and her half-Asian heritage has made her a significant presence in comics even as her temporary descent into villainy drew criticism.

Stephanie Brown followed Cassandra as Batgirl after operating as Spoiler and Robin. The criminal Cluemaster’s daughter, Brown remained Batgirl until the New 52 restored Barbara to the role.

Cassandra Cain (left) and Stephanie Brown (right)

Cassandra Cain (left) and Stephanie Brown (right)

As for still other Batgirls, Helena Bertinelli (The Huntress) temporarily took on the guise during the No Man’s Land story in 1999 but was “fired” when she stepped over the line as far as Batman’s moral code. A superpowered teen named Charlotte “Charlie” Gage-Radcliffe briefly tried to become Batgirl before Barbara talked her out of it, and she instead took the name Misfit.

Beyond the Comics

The big question of course (aside from who should play Batgirl) is which version of her will Whedon use in his film? The obvious answer would seem to be Barbara Gordon, and indeed even if that is the case, there’s every possibility that elements of other incarnations of the character -- perhaps Cassandra Cain’s ethnic heritage, or maybe Stephanie Brown’s criminal family connections -- could be incorporated into an amalgam that is mostly comprised of Barbara Gordon’s distinctive traits. Of course, the fact that Ben Affleck’s DCEU Batman is depicted as an older, veteran crimefighter could mean that Batgirl too has already been on the scene for many years herself. Whatever happens, a solo feature film putting Batgirl front and center against the forces of evil is another welcome addition to a cinematic pantheon of crime-fighters still heavily weighted toward the male side of the equation.


The Batgirl of Burnside redesigned look for the character

What do you think will happen when Batgirl hits the big screen? Who do you think should play her? Let’s discuss it in the comments!

Find Arnold T. Blumberg on Twitter at @DoctoroftheDead.

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