lundi 28 novembre 2016

See All 132 New Hearthstone Cards

See what the next expansion has in store...

UPDATE: November 28 - All 132 cards have now been revealed, so check out the slideshows below to get a sense for how Hearthstone is going to change once Mean Streets of Gadgetzan goes live on December 1!

Druid Cards (9/9)
Hunter Cards (9/9)
Mage Cards (9/9)
Paladin Cards (9/9)
Priest Cards (9/9)
Rogue Cards (9/9)
Shaman Cards (9/9)
Warlock Cards (9/9)
Warrior Cards (9/9)
Neutral Common Cards (19/19)
Neutral Rare Cards (6/6)
Neutral Epic Cards (9/9)
Neutral Legendary Cards (8/8)
Grimy Goons Cards (3/3)
The Kabal Cards (3/3)
Jade Lotus Cards (3/3)

Oh, and that reveal trailer again in case you missed it!

Cam Shea is senior editor in IGN's Sydney office and is always looking for an excuse to write about Hearthstone. Tweet at him here.

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