Pokemon Sun and Moon introduce another set of Legendary Pokemon to the ever expanding universe of Pokemon.
The second generation of Pokemon games, Pokemon Silver and Gold, started the tradition of featuring separate Legendary Pokemon on the boxart. In some installments, such as Pokemon Black and White, each featured Legendary Pokemon is only naturally available in the game in which its art is featured on. However, in Pokemon Silver and Gold, both featured Legendary Pokemon are available in both games, although the opposite version's Legendary only becomes available much later in the story mode.
Collect Zygarde Cores scattered across the Alola region to start to form this legendary Pokemon!
Tapu Koko, the "Land Spirit Pokemon," is the guardian deity of Melemele Island. It's able to enter a different form when it encloses itself in the shells on its arms. It stores up electricity when in this stance. It has not been confirmed that this is a legendary Pokemon.
Tapu Lele, a Land Spirit Pokemon, can heal others by scattering its scales. Its said to have once ended a war. However, too many scales could be dangerous. Tapu Lele unnervingly seems to ignore this possible negative effect.
Tapu Lele's Psychic Surge boosts the power of Psychic-type moves used by Pokemon on the ground and prevents Psychic-type Pokemon from being hit by priority moves.
Tapu Bulu is able to change the shape of vegetation, including its own wooden horns. It seems docile and doesn't like inciting necessary fights, but will show no mercy when facing those of evil intentions.
Tapu Bulu's ability, Grassy Surge, boosts the power of Grass-type moves used by Pokemon on the ground and heals them slightly each turn.
Tapu Fini can purify both mind and body with its special water, but hides itself in a thick fog to prevent just anyone from seeking its aid. If someone without pure intention enters its mist, it will not reveal itself to them.
Tapu Fini's ability, Misty Surge, halves damage from Dragon-type moves and prevents Pokemon from being afflicted with status conditions or confusion.
Type |
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#788 |
Known Moves: Nature's Madness Ability: |
Cosmog, the "Nebula Pokemon," is extremely rare and was once known only by the kings of Alola. Now, the Aether Foundation is researching this Pokemon. Because of its incredible curiosity and tendency to try to make quick friends, it often puts itself in danger.
When light falls on Cosmog, it absorbs it and grows.
Type |
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#789 |
Known Moves:
Ability: |
Cosmoem is one of the legendary Pokemon.
Type |
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#790 |
Known Moves:
Ability: |
Solgaleo is the legendary "Sunne Pokemon" featured on the Pokemon Sun boxart. Solgaleo can take a different form called the Radiant Sun phase, entered when it releases its mighty power.
Lunala is the legendary "Moone Pokemon" featured on the Pokemon Moon boxart. Lunala can take a different form called the Full Moon phase, entered when it releases its mighty power.
Type |
Number |
#792 |
Known Moves: Moongeist Beam Ability: |
Nihilego is one of the Ultra Beasts.
Buzzwole is one of the Ultra Beasts.
Pheromosais one of the Ultra Beasts.
Xurkitreeone of the Ultra Beasts.
Celesteela is one of the Ultra Beasts.
Kartana is one of the Ultra Beasts.
Guzzlord is one of the Ultra Beasts.
Necrozma is one of the Ultra Beasts.
Magearna is the mythical "Artificial Pokemon" who can transform itself into a Pokeball. This Pokemon will be obtainable through the new QR Scanner function.
Type |
Number |
#801 |
Known Moves: ??? Ability: |
Very little is known about this mysterious new legendary. As of right now, Marshadow is an Event only Pokemon and cannot be found in the game.
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