vendredi 18 novembre 2016

IGN UK Podcast #358: Final Fantasy Beasts and Where to Dishonor Them

But no lovebites.

What is with November? Some bloke with a dodgy moustache tries to blow up parliament, the world's parental population is proved to be immensely predictable as nine months after Valentine's Day EVERYONE has their birthday, and speaking of birth, games companies all want to push their creations into the world pre-Christmas.

We're rushed off our feet trying to cover every game that's coming out, but we still found time to roll our intravenous coffee drip trolleys into the podcast booth to tell you all about what we think of Dishonored 2, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, plus our first impressions of Final Fantasy XV ahead of our IGN Premiere next week.

IGN UK Podcast #357: Final Fantasy Beasts and Where to Dishonor Them

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