samedi 19 novembre 2016

Don't Miss a Single Blueprint Upgrade Hiding in Dishonored 2

Blueprints are very important for obtaining the most powerful and useful weapons of the game. Blueprints can be found in many different places while playing through a mission. You can't use your Heart to reveal their locations, so they can sometimes be hard to spot them on the map. However, they will appear blue once you have them within view.

Blueprints give you access to upgrades for your weapons, which open up new fuctionalities and effects in combat and stealth. If you find yourself having trouble with some sections of the game, searching for Blueprints for new upgrades might give you the extra edge needed to continue forward.

There are no Blueprints to find in the first mission of the game.

There are two blueprints to find during this mission.

After setting foot in the docks of Karnaca, head up the path and look up on the right for open windows on the second floor of a building opposite a gutted whale. There’s an unlocked safe in the corner office of this room that contains a blueprint on Dispersed Incendiary Release - as well as a Blood Amber Whale Statue.


There is a blueprint on a desk for Fire Hardening Treatment inside the Overseer building, up towards the top floors inside the Vice-Overseer's office.

NOTE: If by some chance you forget to pick up this blueprint and miss it, it will appear again in the next mission in a small office on the third floor, close to an elevator.

There are two (possibly three) Blueprints located in this mission.

Go to the second floor of the building with Blink/Far Reach from the entrance hallway. Search for a document with a safe combination on the right side. Use that combination on a nearby safe to claim the Combat Sleep Dart Formula.

The Mercury Vapor Distillation Blueprint can be found within Hamilton's quarters at the very top of the stairwell. You can see it once you enter the room.

You can find another blueprint next to Dr. Hypatia, which contains info on Dispersed Incendiary Release - unless you found it in the previous mission.

There are four Blueprints in this mission.

The Pyro-Sonic Casing is located in the ticket booth at the carriage station. You can get the key to the station from the black market to find the blueprint.

You can find Alloy Polarization in the Upper Aventa District on the third floor of a guard building. It is located in a locked room to the left of the top part of the stairs.

Slug Splintering Wedges is found in Jindosh's labratory on a desk near a painting. This can also be found in the next mission The Royal Conservatory inside Breanna Ashworth's office if you miss it here.

The Conductive Filaments blueprint can be found in an office on a desk near the Assessment Chamber in a room that can be swapped with the Waiting Room with two civilans. Go to the bottom floor near the Assessment Chamber and you will see it near some writings on the desk. If you don't see the room, pull the lever to swap rooms.

You can also find this blueprint again in The Dust District if you end up missing it here.

There are three (possibly four) Blueprints located in this mission.

In a building close to the Royal Conservatory - on the far right where Shopkeeper's associate's last known position is. The Reverberation Tubing blueprint can be found on the third floor in a desk.

The Triggered Housing Blueprint is on the first floor of the Conservatory. It is located to the right of the main hall of the conservatory, inside a workshop room with a mini Wall of Light.

If you missed the Slug Spintering Wedges blueprint in the previous mission, then you can pick them up here in Breanna Ashworth's office. The blueprint will be right on the desk as soon as you enter.

Completing the side mission given by the black market shop keeper will give you a blueprint for a reward. To do this, find the associate's house near the Conservatory, track him to the basement of the Conservatory, and steal the prototype in the security office on the second floor of the Main Hall.

There are two (possibly three) Blueprints in this mission.

You can find the Conductive Filaments Blueprint towards the beginning of the mission if you did not find them in the Clockwork Mansion. Go into the left building near the Wall of Light and climb to the roof. The lower part of the workbench is where the blueprint is located.

Spiked Grenade Housing is located in Crone's Hand Pub, on the second floor in a sleeping area - look inside a metal chest.

The Secondary Coiling Blueprint is in the basement of Crone's Hand Pub where an Overseer is being tortured. You can find a path to see it from ahead by slipping into an alcove near Paolo and the music players.

There is only one Blueprint to find within this mission.

After defeating or avoiding the guards in the dining area, Go to the room with a vault and shift to the present to move through a vault door. Go to the past and find an unlocked vault to find the Firing Chamber Pivot blueprint.

EditThe Grand Palace

There are four Blueprints to find on this mission.

In the Palace District, head to the Wall of Light, and look right for an abandoned market stall between the two main streets. You'll find the blueprint behind stall next to a pistol.

The last apartment building before the Wall of Light has a blueprint located on the third floor. You can obtain the key to the aprtment from Winslow Safe store's cashier and get the blueprint from a desk inside.

The blueprint for Folded Galvani Resin can be found in the Palace District. Head down the main stairs to the first floor and enter the pantry. Within the pantry, look for a secret button along a shelf under some bottles and press it to open Duke's Hidden Vault. The table in the main room will have the blueprint.

Blade Conversion can be found on the third floor of the palace. You can find it within a desk cabinet in the Duke's Private Office - opposite his main desk between two bookshelves.

There are two Blueprints to obtain in this mission.

This blueprint is found before the mission itself, on the Dreadful Wale. Look for it in the workshop near the briefing room - before Anton Sokolov's room.

The Counter-Blast Inversion blueprint can be found in Galvani's apartment. Its on the ground floor near Dunwall Tower's entrance to the right (the door is rigged with incendiary arrows). The blueprint is found within the lab.

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