mardi 1 novembre 2016

Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders Review


The Dynamic Duo resume their feud with the Felonious Four.

We've seen an explosion of Batman '66-themed memorabilia ever since Warner Bros. and Fox finally worked out their decades-long rights dispute. Finally, fans can buy official versions of the old TV series on Blu-ray and decorate their shelves with Batman '66 action figures. But the best part of about Batman '66's resurgence is that we now get to see the Dynamic Duo continue their adventures in animated form. Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders captures much of what made the old series memorable, and throws in a healthy dose of self-aware humor to boot.

The latest addition to DC's line of direct-to-DVD animated films, Return of the Caped Crusaders serves as a continuation of the old TV series. The surviving actors even reprise their roles, though sadly that only includes Adam West's Batman, Burt Ward's Robin and Julie Newmar's Catwoman at this point. The rest of the cast is filled by soundalike actors, including Jeff Bergman (Joker and the Narrator), William Salyers (Penguin), Wally Wingert (Riddler) and Jim Ward (Commissioner Gordon).

With Joker, Catwoman, Penguin and Riddler all headlining this animated adventure, it feels more than a little like a direct sequel to the 1966 Batman theatrical film. As Batman himself once said, these four fearsome villains don't join forces unless their goal is utter world domination. Between that and the greater freedom the animated format allows, there's a scope to Return of the Caped Crusaders that simply wasn't possible in the old show. But at the same time, this is still Batman '66. Those craving a darker, more brooding take on the Dark Knight and friends would do well to check out one of DC's various other animated Batman movies. There are plenty to choose from.

The only real question that needs to be answered regarding Return of the Caped Crusaders is how well it captures the look and feel of the TV series. And for the most part, it succeeds quite well. My one complaint would be that this movie's Gotham City looks nearly identical to the one seen in any number of other animated movies. It's very clean and unremarkable, and rarely does the film actually create the impression that it's set in the '60s. The campy, colorful sets of the TV series aren't recreated very well. This speaks to a larger problem with DC's direct-to-DVD animated projects. They all have a certain "house style" that's usually apparent regardless of the source material being adapted.

But those limitations aside, the movie does a fantastic job of capturing the vibe of Batman '66. The character designs are all spot-on. The iconic theme music is present. Flashy onomatopoeia effects pop up whenever a character is punched. And while Gotham itself looks pretty generic, the animators went to a lot of trouble to recreate the Batcave in all its '60s glory. The dialogue is very faithful to the source material as well, whether it's the various characters' inexplicable love of alliteration or Batman's compulsive need to impart various life lessons in the middle of a case.

The voice work is especially crucial in replicating the feel of the source material. And where the animation is sometimes a limiting factor, the film pretty much hits a grand slam in the vocal department. West is really the MVP among the cast. His voice is easily the most distinctive, and I'd go so far as to argue there'd be no point in making a Batman '66 sequel if he weren't able to reprise the Bruce Wayne/Batman role. Luckily, that wasn't an issue, and West has already had plenty of practice playing an amped-up version of himself on Family Guy over the past decade. Whether he's schooling Robin on the dangers of jaywalking at night or threatening his enemies with physical violence, West has lost none of that spark that made him such a goofy but terrific Batman in the first place.

Ward proves he still has the right stuff as well. His age clearly shows in his performance, though that has its own charm. Ward was never very convincing as a teenage superhero even back in 1966, so the fact that he's now a senior citizen playing that same teenager makes the joke even funnier. He still brings plenty of intensity and passion to his uptight hero. Newmar isn't quite as successful at reprising an old role, though. Her voice has changed so much over the years she doesn't really sound like the Catwoman of old, and her dialogue often sounds a little stiff and out of place relative to the rest of the cast.

The other actors excel at recreating the voices of Cesar Romero, Burgess Meredith, Frank Gorshin and the rest. Bergman's Joker is the standout, and you could be forgiven for thinking Romero were in the recording booth. In the case of more minor characters like Alfred, Gordon and Aunt Harriet, the actors don't have quite so flamboyant performances to pull from, but every actor does their part to create that Batman '66 feel.

Return of the Caped Crusaders is certainly faithful to the source material. Initially, it seems as though the film might be too faithful. The first 20 minutes or so play out almost exactly like a lost episode of the TV series, with Batman and Robin pursuing their foes, engaging in fisticuffs, escaping flamboyant death traps and repeating the whole cycle again. That approach is fine, but not really enough to fill a 70-minute movie. However, the plot makes a major swerve in the second act, with a surprising new enemy emerging and the movie taking a decidedly goofier and more enjoyable turn.

That second act makes it clear that Return of the Caped Crusaders is more a comedy than a superhero action film. The writers use that to lovingly poke fun at the source material and throw out all manner of Batman cameos and homages. You really haven't lived until you've heard Adam West recite lines from Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. This also allows the writers to acknowledge and celebrate all the odd eccentricities of the TV series, from the Dutch angle fight scenes to Robin's superhuman ability to deduce Riddler's puzzles through massive leaps of logic to Batman's weirdly specific assortment of utility belt gadgets. The film even touches on the idea that Batman and Robin aren't heroes so much as two costumed oddballs acting out an elaborate pageant with their like-minded friends. Never does it feel as though the movie is laughing at the source material. It's simply offering a loving throwback to a simpler, campier time in the Dark Knight's career.

The Verdict

Not that it has any real competition, but Return of the Caped Crusaders is 2016's best Batman movie. Despite the limited animation budget, this film lovingly and faithfully recreates the tone of the classic TV series (thanks in no small part to the voice work of Adam West and Burt Ward). And while the plot is slow to unfold, once this movie finds its groove it becomes a downright hilarious celebration of the source material.

Editors' Choice

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