New to WWE 2K17 is the ability to cut a promo during shows and events before your scheduled match up. This is important during MyCareer Mode when building up your Custom Superstar. Depending on what kind of personality you want to give to your Superstar, FACE or HEEL, your promo will go one of a few ways. The main focus however is to be smart with your choices and consistent in your promos.
Before you start an upcoming event during MyCareer Mode, you can choose when during the show to cut your promo, if possible at all. Cutting a promo during the show allows oyu to gain extra popularity, obtain bonus VC to use in the VC Shop, and even call out other Superstars to start a rivalry. NOTE: If you're already enegaged in an open rivalry, you won't be able to cut a promo until its resolved.
When your Superstar begins speaking into the mic, you have a choice of a few options of statements to make during your promo. Not selecting a statement before the timer runs out will cause your Superstar to fumble words and impact your rating significantly at the end of the promo, making the crowd hate you in the process. This is when your Superstar's personality is VERY IMPORTANT.
If you're a FACE, then you need to choose statements that give you the moral high ground, sayings that make the audience get behind you and cheer. If you're a HEEL, then you need to choose only statements that will anger the audience and get a rise out of them. But you NEED TO MAKE A CHOICE.
Staying focused on either FACE or HEEL statements is the key to getting the highest score and rating for your promos. If you flip between both and not stay in character, you won't score the highest you can or obtain a lot of VC at the end. Even if its the outrageous statement, it will help get you the highest score for the promo, and the most VC obtained at the end for MyCareer and the VC shop unlockables.
Your statements also are based on the kind of crowd in the arena, which can sway depending on your Superstar personality. There are a few kinds of crowds that impact your rating for a promo. Different statements get various reactions from them.
- Respectful - Praising the audience/WWE Universe as much as possible for any reason is helpful.
- Disrespectful - The fans will be very negative to your statements and boo a lot. Can at times enjoy insulting other Superstars/the company.
- Family Friendly - Never complain about the company or any grievences you have with other Superstars. Take the moral high ground with your statements.
- Hardcore - Demanding respect from everyone helps get a rise out of the crowd. Being bullish to fight also excites the crowd.
The final choice of a promo is the Last Word, which is the statement that will give you the biggest boost towards your rating. Make sure whatever you choose from the statements matches EXACTLY to the personality of your Superstar. If you do the opposite, you won't gain the big boost and could possibly mess up your promo.
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