mardi 25 octobre 2016

Battlefield 1's Giant Easter Egg Hunt Has Started

Any Morse code experts out there?

It might be Halloween season, but in the world of Battlefield 1 a lot of people are searching for Easter eggs.

Multiple players have reported finding sets of headphones in each multiplayer map in the game, which can only be picked up by a single player.

The headphones make a resupply noise when picked up, which then unlocks a radio set elsewhere in the level that starts broadcasting what appears to be Morse code. One of the messages can be heard in this YouTube video, which has been posted to the Game Detectives subreddit.

That step hasn't been cracked yet, as apparently the code in the video is either encoded itself, or is simply gibberish when translated using the Morse method. Perhaps more will be revealed as more radios are discovered.

The Battlefield series is no stranger to elaborate Easter eggs. Battlefield 4 alone contains a host of secrets, chief among them the "Illuminati Easter Egg," a multi-stage hunt across multiple maps, where players have to solve puzzles, find hidden items, and even translate a Morse Code message that comes out in Belarusian. It took almost 2 years to fully decipher, and granted patient players a special camo for the game which was previously thought to be only available to DICE employees.

Battlefield 1 released last week, and IGN's review says it "does an amazing job of transplanting the fantastic chemistry of the series’ traditional multiplayer action into the weaponry and vehicles of World War I."

Matt Porter is a freelance writer based in London. Make sure to visit what he thinks is the best website in the world, but is actually just his Twitter page.

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